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Previously: I let out a scream. I guess I screamed a little loud because I hear footsteps coming then the next thing I know.... Jeff walks in...

Jeff walk in the room and I again try to get up but he pushes me back down on the bed, I blush a bit while he talks to the nurse. Then he turns back to me and helps me get up from the bed. As soon as I'm fully up I squeezed my arms around his waist. He puts his arms around my back and I look up to him.

Ben: I m-m-missed y-you you I- Idiot!

I don't try holding the tears back I let them fall all over his stained sweatshirt.

Jeff: I'm glad your okay.
Ben: I love you Idiot.

We stand there hugging for awhile then I let go of him. My legs almost fully collapse out from under me but luckily my only love, Jeff catches me. The nurse comes back with crutches for me so I can walk.

Ben: Thank you.
Jeff: Looks like I'll be taking you upstairs in my arms again.

I blush wildly while Jeff just chuckles. I take the crutches and stand half way up leaning on the crutches. I thank the nurse for taking care of me for so long and head out with Jeff following me every step making sure I don't fall. If I get wobbly he'll grab me by the hips and support me so I don't fall, which gives me chills when he touches my hips. I come up to the stairs and turn my head back to Jeff.

Ben: Little help?
Jeff: prince.

I nearly faint when I hear the new nickname he called me. Yet he picks me up and I come back to my senses when he kisses me on the nose, which he does when he wants my attention.

Jeff: You good Ben you almost fainted.
Ben: I'm sorry it just the new nickname—
Jeff: Do you not like it?~
Ben: No it's not that!!! I like it it's just I didn't expect it!!!
Jeff: Ok let's get you upstairs.

I giggle as he picks me up and carries me up the stairs. He sets me down on my— or our bed and checks on Jenna. He comes back and sits down next to me and I cuddle up next to him since I haven't been able to in a long time. He puts his arm around my side and pulls me closer to his side and we put on a movie until we're called by Slenderman.

We get downstairs and Slenderman and the others are all there and Slenderman starts talking.

Slender: First we're all happy your awake and walking. Second we called you down here so we could him...

Slenderman moves away from what he was blocking and reveals my dad chained up to a chair. I laugh a little bit.

Ben's dad: What the h*ll are laughing at?
Ben: It- It's just....Your the one chained to the chair now.

The room goes quiet...I laugh a little bit and grabs Jeff's hand.

Ben's dad: Why are you—
Ben: Because he's my boyfriend and I love him with all my heart.
Ben's dad: YOU LITTLE—

I ask Slenderman if he has tape while my dad is still screaming cuss words. He walks into another room then comes out with black duct tape. I smile and thank Slenderman and walk up to my dad and put the tape one his mouth. He tried hitting me but the chains hold him back. I smile and everyone else starts talking about what should happen to him. I turn to Sally who is hiding behind me.

Ben: Do you still have that bat in your room?
Sally: Yes!
Ben: Can you go get it for me?
Sally: Yes
Ben's dad: mffmm Mm mere.. (trying to say Sally come here)
Ben: Leave. Sally. Alone.

She comes back with the bat and hands it to me. I put it leaning on my shoulders and walk to him.

Ben: Ok so...have we all come to what we want to do with him?
Everyone: Yes.
EJ: Can I have his kidneys?
Ben: Sure why not?
(I just realized how weird it would be for EJ to eat Ben's dad's kidneys...)

I knock him out with the bat and chuckle a bit.

Ben: You know what I always say! You Shouldn't have done that.
Jeff: He really shouldn't have done that.

Jeff stabs him and opens him up for EJ to take his kidneys. EJ takes the kidneys and brings them to his kidney box and eats one of them and puts the rest back in the box. I see LJack come down the stairs laughing.

LJack: I heard what happened can I get in on this? He's not a dumb kid but meh.

LJack shoves a bunch of candy into his stomach and then LuLu appears

Ben: it's my dad—did you hear what happened?
LuLu: Yes...Im assuming he's dead.
LJack: Heres his eyeballs.
LuLu: Oh! Thanks.
Ben: want your revenge on him?
Sally: Mhm
Ben: Okay be my guest.

Sally grabs her knife and stabs it directly into his heart. Clockwork comes to see what the heck is going on and smiles.

Cwork: Since his eyes have already been taken out he can have a little clock. Oh what time was is it when he died?
Slenderman: 1:27 pm.
Cwork: Perfect.

She sets the clock in his eye and sets the time on it. I hug Jeff around the waist and breathe a sigh of relief

Ben: He's finally gone
Slenderman: Im going to go dispose of the body....

Slenderman somehow disposed of the body and we had a campfire that night with everyone together for once since a long time. We roasted marshmallows, and talked.

Cwork: Do the s'mores taste almost as good as Ben?

Everyone goes silent and Jeff just chokes while Clockwork is laughing her a$$ off.

Slenderman: U-Um Clockwork please go get the stuff.
Cwork: Right right
She rolls her eyes and walks away. We just sit there in silence for awhile and it's gets too awkward.

Ben: What stuff is Clockwork getting?
Slenderman: Supplies...and we're gonna make s'mores!
Sally: Yay!
Lazari: I thought we only ate humans and other monsters oh and fruit!
Slenderman: No your allowed to have other things. 
Ej: I just like kidneys
Clockwork: I'm back bit-
Slenderman: No cussing.
Clockwork: But-
Slenderman: No.

Clockwork rolls her eyes and hands Slenderman the stuff.
(Btw the nurse is watching the baby for a check up) Slenderman sets the stuff down and then walks over to an open area and lays a circle on the ground and he opens it up and it's...a pool. He tells us we can have s'mores first but we'd have to let our stomachs settle first. He handed out everyone the materials they needed for the s'mores except for Lazari and Sally because they still were kind of  young to be putting things over a fire. I made my s'more and ate it but they were super messy so Jeff took some of my face and ate it to which I turned super red. Just a habit of mine I guess. Then it was time for the pool...I didn't move an inch. Everyone else went over to the pool and jumped in. I just sat there terrified. Jeff turned his head and looked at me.

Jeff: don't have to go in.

I just sat there unable to move or speak. Then I feel hand wrap around me that weren't Jeff's. They were clockworks and she threw me in.

That's all for now I'll start working on the next chapter soon! It probably won't be out for awhile. ~Childishauthor

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