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               Ben's POV
A few weeks later...
I feel like I'm going to be sick and my stomach hurts really badly. I decide to text Jeff because I normally can take care of myself just fine when I'm sick but now I HAVE someone and they can help and this "sickness" feels...different.

Ben: Jeff!!! When I shout this I can hear the concern in my voice and I hear him quickly run to me where I'm laying on my floor holding my stomach and crying. He asks me if I'm ok

Jeff: Ben are you ok?! What's wrong?!
Ben: it hurts...Jeff...I feel like I'm going to throw up-
Jeff: let's go to our bathroom
(they basically share Ben's room and Ben has a bathroom so yah whatever)
Ben: I- ok
Jeff: Do you think you can stand???
Ben: Yea- OW *crys*
Jeff: I'll pick you up and carry you just like after the incident.
Ben: hehehehe
Jeff:  there you go be-
Ben: Ugh I'm gonna be si-
I open the toilet and throw up a bunch and Jeff goes to the bathroom closet and gets me a towel and wipes my mouth
Jeff: There you go...
Ben: *crying* why- why does- why does it hurt so much?!
Jeff: wait- Ben we're gonna visit two people-
Ben: Wha-
Jeff: *picks Ben up* let's go
Ben: J-Jeff???

                 Jeff's POV
We're going to go visit Slenderman and...a b*tch named clockwork. We're visiting these two because I have a feeling Ben is...Ben is pregnant...

Jeff: Hey you two....
Cw: What do you want Jeff...
Jeff: this isn't about me it's about *shows her that he's holding ben*
Cw: Ohhhh I heard you two are dating now-
Jeff: Yes we have been for awhile now.
Cw: I feel like I know why you're here.
Jeff: Well?
Cw: I do think he is too
Slenderman: Hold On you lost me there-
Jeff: *looks down* ok good he's sleeping. I can tell you now but can I Put him in your chair?
Slenderman: sure?
Jeff: Thanks.
Slenderman: Now what is going on?
Jeff: Ben has been "sick" a lot since we- Yeah you should know
Slenderman: Oh lor-
Jeff: so do you understand why I'm here now?
Slenderman: Ben is pregnant?
Jeff: we don't know for sure yet
Cw: I'm guessing that's where I come in?
Jeff: yep
Cw: ok looks like I'm going to the store tonight *sighs*
Slenderman: Eeeee I have always wanted to be a "grandpa"
Ben: hmm???
Jeff: Oh Ben you're awake
Ben: Jeff?
Jeff: Yeah?
Ben: Why are you talking to Slenderman and...Clockwork.....
Jeff: I'll tell you later
Cw: well I'm gonna go run to the store-
Slenderman: Don't sneak in and steal just pay for it.
Cw: Fine.
Ben: can we go back to our room Jeff?
Jeff: Yeah

Ben's POV
Jeff picked me up and
carried me to our room and laid me down on the bed. I looked down at my stomach and it looked, idk bloated?

Jeff: Ben you should get more rest.
Ben: mmmm ok
Jeff: I'll be back.

And then I fell asleep and I wake up to a dream- or more like nightmare. I look up and see- My father.
Ben: *gasp* d-dad?
???: Don't call me that you stupid "Girl"!
Ben: I'm not a g-
???: Well you act like one! *picks Ben up by his shirt*
Ben: Ah-
???: there's no use in screaming Beatrix!
Ben: My name is Ben.
???: Don't care. Never will! How about we play a little game?
Ben: n- no!!!
???: Too bad. We're gonna play a game called "Beat Beatrix"
Ben: n-no!!!
???: We beat Beatrix until she can't stand and lock her in a closet and then find Sally~
Ben: NO!!!
???: I'll start the game and you won't stop it!
Ben: Please don- OW

I feel tears stream down my face I beg him to stop but he doesn't he beats and beats and beats me some more and I screams in pain but it's too late I get locked in the closet I hear him get his "good" uncle voice on and he walks out the door. As soon as he is for sure gone I find the phone I hid in here for safety and I text Sally's parents "be ready "HE" is coming!!!" But they don't open it in time. I suddenly feel the pain of him beating me again and I scream so loud I wake up. I'm trembling and I have tears rolling down my face and then I see Jeff RUN towards me. I just sit and cry and then Jeff is asking me questions and he had tears rolling down his face.

Jeff: Ben?! What happened?! What's wrong?!
Ben: I had- A nightmare- my- dad was there-
Jeff: You're d-dad?
Ben: Y-Yes
Cw: I'm bac- woah did I come at the wrong time?
Jeff: It's fine just put the thing on the desk and leave.
Cw: Yes sir

I see clockwork put her hand on her hip and roll her eyes and then put something on the desk and leave.

Jeff: I'm gonna grab this and we're going into the bathroom.
Ben: Uh- Ok-
Jeff: Cmon
Ben: Ok.

I get in the bathroom and Jeff hands me something I look down at it speechless I didn't understand- I mean I did but I just was thinking how could I be so dumb not to realized what probably happened the rest of that night!

Ben: A- a pregnancy test?!
Jeff: Yes. Go take it.

I start turning red I don't know how to use these things because I didn't think I could get pregnant and I wasn't going to look it up because other proxy's go through my search history! I decide to ask Jeff

Ben: Uh- I- um- H-how?
Jeff: Should be directions on the back.
Ben: Uh- oh- ok!
Jeff I wait outside the bathroom.
Ben: Ok...

I close and lock the bathroom door and I look at the directions on the box and I turn so red I can tell because I feel my face heat up

Ben: What the f*ck.
Jeff: What? Pfff
Ben: this is just so weird- And don't laugh!
Jeff: ok ok sorry!

I do what the directions tell me and after I do it I wait for the results

Ben: I took it.
Jeff: Has it shown the results yet?
Ben: I think it did-

To be continued...

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