After breakfast

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Jeff: you done with your pancakes?
Ben: Yea thanks.
Jeff: ok slender could you get his plate? I'm gonna go put him upstairs.
Slenderman: Yes I can Jeff and make sure he doesn't need anything. I don't want him using his voice to much. And we don't know if he can walk on his own yet again.
Ben: I feel like a baby again with all this walking and talking business. You've basically become the babysitter Jeff.
Jeff: heh yeah it kinda like that... sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.
Ben: Oh Jeff! It doesn't make me uncomfortable at all! It makes me feel...I don't know...Safe I guess?
Jeff: I'm glad

Ben's POV
Once Jeff got to my room he put me down. He kept asking if I needed anything before he left I just told him that I'm gonna put a movie on. But he decided to do it himself. Then he left...I got so use to being with him that it felt weird to be on my own. I didn't like getting use to it because I just want to by Jeff's side at all times. Who knows what he could be doing? And with other people? I didn't want to wonder so I grabbed my phone and decided to text him.

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