I love you

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Ben's POV
Me and Jeff were going to his room after we went for a walk in the woods and we came back and then Jeff wasn't happy. Toby had painted his door pink...but he HATED pink so he freaked out at the fact that Toby painted his door pink instead of someone else's. While they were fighting I got a ladder and painted back to it's regular color. But I was almost finish when my legs glitched. I fell off the ladder but somehow I landed in Jeff's arms. He must've caught me. Next thing I know everyone is asking if I'm ok.
Slenderman: Woah Ben are you alright?
Toby: Why'd were you up there?
Ben: I'm fine because Jeff caught me somehow?
Jeff: I saw that you weren't by me anymore so I stopped talking to Toby and I turn around and see you glitch and then start falling. So I ran towards you and caught you.
Ben: thanks...I don't know if my body can take another injury right now...
Jeff: I'm taking you to your room.
Jeff: heh. really?
Ben: I-um- I don't know! I won't know until you put me down!
Jeff: nope
Ben: put me down!!!

Ben's POV
We made it to my room and Jeff finally put me down he started to head towards the door to leave but then I said something I didn't expect.
Ben: Wait! Please don't leave! Jeff?!
Jeff: Hm? Ok???

Ben's POV
Jeff shut the door and sat next to me on my bed I was super tired but I tried to stay awake so I could talk to Jeff. But it was pretty hard to do.

Jeff: if you're tired then go to sleep.
Ben: but I want to talk to you!
Jeff: ok? About what?
Ben: ...I love you.
Slenderman: OoOoOoOo

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