I had a nightmare too

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Slenderman: Morning everybody how did you guys sleep?
Jeff: you know what happened last night but after that I slept pretty well.
Toby: what happened last night?
Jeff: Ben had a pretty bad and painful nightmare/reality like thing last night...
Toby: Is he ok?
Jeff: Maybe but he's probably getting extra rest since he probably didn't get that much last night.
Toby: ah ok
E.J: he had a nightmare too?
Slenderman: Yeah did you?
E.J: No but Toby did.
Toby: shut up.
Lazari: I had one too and so did Sally...
Slenderman: So did Everyone have a nightmare?
Toby: pretty much.
Slenderman: Jeff?
Jeff: ...
Slenderman: did you have a nightmare?
Jeff: ...Ugh yes yes I did
Slenderman: Jeff go get Ben and carry him down here, Toby go take your medicine, Jack go make sure he takes his medicine, Sally and Lazari stay here and don't get into trouble, LuLu are you here?
LuLu: yes I am.
Slenderman: Could you watch the girls?
LuLu: of course.
Slenderman: I'm gonna make pancakes!

       With Ben and Jeff 
Ben: *yawn*...J-Jeff?!
Jeff: over here.
Ben: please I don't want to be alone today!
Jeff: I'll stay with you as long as you want me to.
Ben: thank you
Jeff: can I carry you?
Ben: I don't think I can walk anyway...
Jeff: heh alright *picks Ben up* how bad does it hurt now?
Ben: I- Ow- It's not t-too bad but not any better as before or gone at all.
Jeff's thinking: *sigh* I wish I could make his pain go away
Ben: Hi Slenderman! what are you making?
Slenderman: pancakes!
Ben: Yum!
Jeff's thinking: he's so adorable I mean...he said he loved me but...
Ben: Jeff?
Jeff: What?
Ben: I was trying to get your attention because you weren't responding to me.
Jeff: Sorry.
Ben: are you ok?
Jeff: yeah.

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