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Slenderman: Jack I made pancakes but if you want to eat kidneys you can-
E.J: it's fine I like other things too. Like pancakes!
Toby: You both are so awkward...
E.J: that's because I'm an introvert I don't normally hang out with people...
Toby: Ok You aco taco.
E.J: Ok You weeb
Slenderman: OoOoOo
Jeff: what the heck is wrong with this..."family"
Toby: You want to talk about family's being messed up?
Slenderman: Toby NO not when the girls are here. Well except for LuLu she already knows.
LuLu: Ooh pancakes! Lazari, Sally! Come eat these delicious pancakes!
Lazari/Sally: Yay!
Jeff: hey LuLu
Ben's thinking: I told him I loved him but...he didn't say it back. What if he like LuLu?! Frick stop crying! Stop crying!
Jeff/Slenderman: What's wrong Ben?
Ben: I just...remembered the nightmare...that's all
Jeff: *wipes Ben's tears* calm down it'll be ok.
LuLu: heh Jeff you've been acting different lately. And it's often around Ben.
Slenderman: oh yeah I didn't tell you did I?
LuLu: hm?
Slenderman: Ben got stuck in the T.V during the power outage and Jeff helped him out because it hurt him to come though. They have a good relationship because they were friends ever since they both came to this family.
LuLu: that's so cute!
Ben's thinking: Stop crying! YOU'RE CRYING EVEN HARDER!?
Jeff: it's ok Ben it's over for now.
LuLu: I'm sorry that we brought it up Ben.
Ben: it's...fine
Jeff: how's the pain?
Ben: Didn't get better-actually it did kinda the opposite...
Jeff: Do you want to go lie down?
Ben: no it's fine Jeff I'll finish my pancakes first.

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