Ben's Nightmare

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Ben: I had a n-nightmare?
Jeff: about what?
Ben: When I got stuck in the T.V it was... horrible
Jeff: ok...
Slenderman: You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Ben: it's fine...I screamed because...I could feel the pain all over again but worse...
Jeff: Oh my god slender.
Slenderman: Ok anything else you'd like to say about the nightmare?
Ben: Jeff was there...
Slenderman: did he help you come out of the T.V?
Ben: he...tried but I couldn't escape! It hurt too much and... he didn't want to hurt me! But it hurt to go through too much but I tried and Jeff tried helping me but It hurt so badly...then I woke up screaming out of pain...
Jeff: I-
Slenderman: Are you still in pain?
Ben: not as much as in the dream but yes I am still in pain
Slenderman: How badly?
Ben: I don't know if I can even stand or walk...I don't know.
Slenderman: Out of 1-10 how badly does it hurt?
Ben: 6?
Slenderman: we're gonna go now ok?
Ben: ...Jeff?
Jeff: hm?
Ben: Can you...can you stay?
Jeff: Yeah
Ben: thank you
Slenderman: Night boys

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