What's wrong with Ben?

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Jeff: You're gonna be fine Ben just breathe.
Ben: I c-can't it hurts!
Doctor: You're not dying Ben.
Jeff: Then what's the matter with him?
Doctor: He's....

                        —To Be Continued—

Still Jeff's POV:
Doctor: He's...in labor.
Ben: W-what?!
Doctor: He's been in labor all day.
Jeff: We just got married today and you're telling me he was in labor all through that?
Doctor: Correct. I'm surprised you were able to push through the pain.
Ben: Yeah well that might not have been the greatest choice because it hurts now. Please give me medicine or something it hurts like hell.
Doctor: Alright

The doctors leave and then comes back with the medicine but I have SO many questions. Such as is the baby okay? What gender is the baby? Is it only one baby? What will are honeymoon be like since he is going to give birth? Is everything at the party still going smoothly? I'll probably have more answers soon. All I care about right now is that Ben isn't in pain anymore.

Doctor: Alright it'll only take a few moments for the medicine to kick in. Now I bet you have a lot of questions.
Ben: Y-yeah.
Doctor: Well. Ben is going to have 2 babies. 1 Girl and 1 Boy. Also since you just got married I'm assuming there's a party going on right now?
Jeff: Yes. There is but our...father is taking care of it.
Doctor: Last time I heard both of your fathers have passed away?
Jeff: Yes well our adoptive father. We're still not adults yet.
(Technically. They're 16 and 17 in my fanfic. However when you die like when Ben drowned you are stuck permanently with the age you died with. So everyone remains the same age after they die.)
Doctor: So are you guys going to have a honeymoon?
Jeff: Yes well there will be the party tonight and it will go into tomorrow because it doesn't take much for our family to drink until they've passed out. Tomorrow is a more relaxed party for slow dancing and everything. Then we have the honeymoon later on the day after.
Doctor: Alright well he'll be able to heal up in time for your honeymoon. Also don't worry most times after people give birth they're sex drive goes up quite a bit. Ben how are you feeling?
Ben: The pain has gone away but I'm just still in a bit of discomfort which is the usual.
Doctor: Yep that sounds about right. Now how long do you think you've been in labor for?
Ben: hell. I don't know. I didn't even know I was pregnant!
(Okay so something I changed in the story is that you're only pregnant for like 9 days before you give birth because I didn't feel like writing 9 months of this story because I'm trying to finish it.)
Doctor: Jesus how much sex do you guys have..?

This doctor is getting on my fucking nerves. He is not very professional. Usually I wouldn't care but now he's getting into my personal life. I swear to god I'm going to kill him after we're done.

Ben: Well...I don't think I'm going to answer that question.
Doctor: Come on! I'm your doctor you can tell me!
Ben: Well I'm not going to say a specific number but basically...a lot. Can we move on now?
Doctor: Yeah sure just let me talk to Jeffery in the hall for a second.
Ben: Um...okay..?
Jeff: Excuse me what the fuck did you call me?
Doctor: Oh I called you Jeffery. Do you not like that name?
Jeff: No only my adoptive father calls me that when he's upset.
Doctor: My apologizes. Now let's go follow me.
Jeff: Fine whatever.

We walk out into the the hall but he doesn't stop he leads me into an empty room. This raises my suspicion. Why the fuck are we in an empty room? This doesn't feel right. I want to be by Ben's side.

Jeff: So why did you pull me over here? Is everything okay?
Doctor: Well...Yes the babies are fine and Ben is fine.
Jeff: So why am I in here then?
Doctor: Well...there must be SOME reason why he's having so much sex with you. Your appearance isn't great but maybe the size of your cock is why he does it with you.
Jeff: Are you serious?
Doctor: Of course Jeff~

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