Jeff's kiss

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Ben's POV
I was interrupted by Jeff's lips pressing against mine but I did ask for it so I was ok with it but what I didn't expect was him to start kissing my neck I almost didn't close my mouth in time. If I hadn't I would of moaned but I was able to hold it back in my throat. It'd been a few minutes but Jeff was still going but a little harder until Slenderman called us downstairs.

Slenderman: Guys come down to the living room!
Jeff: You ok?
Ben: yeah. I smiled letting out a big breath of air.
Jeff: Do you have contour...
Ben: Did you!?
Jeff: Ben just answer the question.
Ben: Yes I do. I was so embarrassed I knew what he had done when he asked me if I had contour.
Jeff: good do you want me to put it on you?
Ben: Nah I'm good and DON'T ask why I have contour.
Jeff: Ok I won't....
Slenderman: Ben! Jeff! Come down here!
Jeff: we're coming jeez!
Ben: alright let's go
Jeff: alright.
we made it downstairs but then I saw Jeff's face and then I saw who he was looking at...
Jeff: I-
Ben: Jeff...stay calm...
Jeff: Wh- what...
Liu: hey Jeff SO great to see you again.
Jeff: Liu you b*tch!
Ben: Jeff! Calm down!
Slenderman: Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Liu!
Liu: what?
Slenderman: Ben and Jeff are dating!
Liu: I knew you were gay!
Jeff: Wow you b*tch.
Ben: He's not wrong though...we were always close even before...I drowned
Jeff: Ben...
Liu: I'm a b*tch? You literally murdered our family!
Jeff: That's true but you didn't help me.
Ben: Jeff they're gone now you don't have to think about them anymore.
Liu: Anyway Ben seems like a good boyfriend if he can control JEFF!
Slenderman: Yeah it always was difficult controlling him. Definitely on killing sprees.
Ben: Heh
Jeff: Wow were just attacking me huh?
Toby: Ooh YES! Attack Jeff!
Ben: what kind of attack...?
I regret what I said right after I said it because it sounded sexual...
Liu: HA! Have you guys had your first kiss?
Jeff: Yes
Toby: who kissed first?
Jeff: Ugh...
Ben: hehehe
Jeff: Ben kissed first.
Toby: KISS!
Liu: kiss. 
Ben: I-
Jeff: don't worry Ben it's fine.

They were telling us to kiss so Jeff being the guy he is leaned in and kissed me...on the lips...I was used to it by this point. So I let him I heard LuLu squealing in excitement...which made it a little awkward and made me blush because I was used to Jeff kissing me just not in front of other people. I pulled away even though I loved his kiss.

Toby: Nice dude.
LuLu: I ship it!
Ben's thinking: omg I totally forgot! It's my birthday!
Jeff: speaking of Ben...
Everyone except Ben: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Ben: A- Aw th-thanks guys!
Jeff: Aw Ben don't cry!
Ben: S-Sorry!
Slenderman: You don't have to be sorry Ben.

Author: Ok I'm out of ideas so comment what y'all want if anyone is actually reading this story.

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