Telling everyone

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Ben's POV
My stomach still hurts but not too badly. I'm just unsure of how the other proxy's would react when they find out that I'm pregnant. Slenderman acted differently than I expected- He actually wanted to be a grandpa or something. I thought he would be disappointed in me because I'm only 15- 16 forgot I turned 16. I just didn't expect for him to be- proud? Is he proud??? I don't know! Does Jeff actually love me? Will the other proxys like me anymore?

Ben: Jeff? How do we tell the other proxy's about this?
Jeff: Hm?
Ben: n- nevermin-
Jeff: Oh about you? I'm not sure.
Ben: I-

I didn't know what say next but I was saved by Jeff's phone going off. He took a glance at it, it was Slenderman telling us to come down stairs. Me and Jeff give each other a look and then head down stairs. Once we get there we see everyone yelling surprise and there were baby balloons and everything. I was shocked. Who had planned this? And how did they plan it so fast?! It has only been like five minutes since we met with slender!

Slenderman: Clockwork told everyone and we decorated the place. 
Jeff: why am I not suprised that Clockwork told everyone?
Cw: oh shut it. Be happy dammit.
Ben: He didn't say he wasn't though...
Cw: Smarta$$
Jeff: Anyway thanks guys!
Lazari: do you know the gender?
Ben: No but I feel like it's going to be a girl.
Sally: Will we be able to play with it?
Ben: Idk when it's old enough probably.
Lazari: Yay
Sally: I hope it's a girl but it's fine if it's a boy.
Ben: well we are going to have to leave it as a surprise.

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