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I see Ben look down as his little face turns red. I turn and start to get ready for the day. I don't forget that I put the vibrator in him though. We'll just have to save that for later.

Jeff's POV
I finish getting ready and Ben gets ready too. We get back on the bed and sit there for awhile until we hear Slenderman yell at all of us to come down.

(Okay quick a/n the soundproof doors work so that you can't hear what goes on in the room but you can  hear what's going on outside like in the halls.)

Slenderman: Meeting! Meeting!

(Bro that reminds me of "Security alert! Security alert! Woo woo! From security breach)

Jeff: I wonder what's going on now.
Ben: I'm gonna get my concealer.
(Or contour or whatever I don't know a lot about makeup.)
Jeff: Do you need help love?
Ben: No I got it just go tell Slenderman I'll be there in a second.
Jeff: alright.

Jeff's POV:
I walk downstairs and I see most people already there. I walk over to Slenderman and tell him that Ben will be down in a second. He just nods in response.

3rd person POV: Jeff hits his hip on the countertop and doesn't realize that he turned the vibrator on. He grabs his hip in pain.

Ben POV:
I start feeling weaker all of a sudden. I grab the counter attempting to keep myself up. I sit on the counter so I don't have to hold myself up. I tilt my head back and a sudden noise comes out of me and I cover my mouth. I search for my phone so I can text Jeff. I spot it on the table next to my bed. There's no way I'm going to be able to get all the way over there. I get off the counter and try walking over to the table but my back arches and I fall onto my knees. I decide to just crawl the rest of the way. I finally reach the table and grab my phone. I text Jeff, "Jeff can you come here?" Then let go of my phone. I cover my mouth not knowing when the door will open.

Jeff POV:
I get a text from Ben and I open it. He wants me to come upstairs I question it at first but I'm guessing he just needs help. I tell Slenderman ben needs me to go upstairs for a little and that I'd be back. He says okay and I head upstairs. I open the door and I see Ben covering his mouth and he has his knees up at his stomach. His eyes were watering and I could hear small whimpers coming from him. I close the door so he doesn't have to hold his hand over his mouth anymore.

Jeff: What's wrong dear?
Ben: I- I don't know.

I hear him whimper again and start panting. I quickly realize what's happening and check my pocket. I turn the vibrator off but it might be too late. I chuckle a bit. I see his eyes widen and his face turn red. I knew at that moment he was realizing what was happening. He turns to face the other way to embarrassed to look at me.

Ben POV:
I hear myself whimper again. I feel a feeling stop and I realize what it was. When did he put it in?! I don't remember him putting it in this morning or yesterday. Did he put it in when I was sleeping!? He had to have had put it in then. He put the vibrator in me and turned it on when he was downstairs...omg. So embarrassing. I see him reach his hand out to me. I take it to get up but my knees are shaking. I can tell that Jeff sees this.

Jeff: Dear I can just tell them you're not feeling well.
Ben: I...I totally forgot we're supposed to be downstairs. I can't go downstairs with this problem....
Jeff: I know dear that's why I suggested to tell them you're sick. Do you want me to help you or can you do it yourself?
Ben: J-Jeff!
Jeff: It's just a question.
Ben: it better do it...
Jeff: Alright darling.

Jeff's POV
I get my phone out and text Slenderman that Ben got sick and he doesn't like being alone when he's sick because he gets bored. Which is actually true he does get bored when he's sick but he's not sick he's just horny. I put my phone and his phone on our table that's next to our bed. I pick Ben up and set him on the bed.

Jeff: What do you want me to do first darling?
Ben: C-can you m-masterbate m-me...?
Jeff: Of course dear~

I grin and sit down on the bed and pull him onto my lap. I pull his pants and boxers down and start rubbing him up and down. I hear him whimper because I'm doing it dry but I don't stop. He's quick to reach his climax since the vibrator did most of the work but he's still hard. I scoop some of his cum up and I continue rubbing him up and down. My other hand travels up his shirt. I can hear his breath hitch as I do so. I play with his nipple a bit but then I stop. He puts on his needy face. He whines from the lack of pleasure. He arches his back and moves around a bit.

Ben: J-Jeff! P-please don't t-tease! A-ah
Jeff: What's that darling I'm not teasing~
Ben: J-Jeff!!!

I see him pout a bit and I start jerking him off harder. He arches his back so far back that his head is now laying on my shoulder. I kiss him on the neck and I hear him starting moaning.

Ben: Jeff~ Mmn~ Ah- Ah~
Jeff: You doing great darling~
Ben: A-am I a g-good b-boy?
Jeff: Yes dear you're such a good boy~

I kiss him right on one of his sweet spots and he practically screams. I suck and bite on that one spot and leave a dark red and a purple spot on his neck. He moans so loud that for a second I think people will hear through the soundproof door.

Ben: P-please! H-harder!
Jeff: Anything for you dear~

I jerk him off a lot harder than I was earlier.

Ben: J-Jeff! A-ah! T-too mu-MUCH! Please please ple-pleaSE! S-slow d-down!
Jeff: Sorry dear are you alright?
Ben: Y-yeah it got a little overwhelming though. 
Jeff: Sorry my dear.
Ben: it's okay....can you do s-something for me?
Jeff: Of course darling~
Ben: C-can I r-ride you...
Jeff: feeling bold are we?
Ben: Sh-shush...
Jeff: Do you need to be prepared first?
Ben: Y-yes...
Jeff: Want me to be gentle?
Ben: Y-yes to please

I very gently prepare him but he starts getting antsy so I speed up a bit but still going gentle. When he's finally prepared I make sure to check he's alright.

Jeff: You alright darling?
Ben: M-mn- Yes

He barely is able to get the sentence without panting. I undo my pants and sit him on my legs.

Jeff: Are you ready?
Ben: Mmn- mm-

He can't get a single sentence out without whimpering so he just nods his head to show me he's ready. I slowly push him down but then he just slams the rest of the way down.

Ben: AH~ J-Jeff! Jeff~
Jeff: Mm You alright darling-
Ben: Y-yes I'm fine.

Ben starts going up and down slowly but progressively gets faster getting louder each time he goes down. We both cum as he pushes down one last time. I help Ben get off me and set him down next to me.

Ben: should we clean up? They might check on us.
Jeff: yeah I'll clean up. you lay down.

I get up and clean everything up and I take a shower. I get dressed and see Ben sleeping. I lay next to him and we cuddle together until both me and Ben are asleep.

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