Celebrating Ben's birthday

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Jeff: Well how about we celebrate Ben!
Slenderman: Ooh I haven't celebrated something in a long time!
Sally: we should make birthday cake!!!
Toby: YES!!!
Slenderman: I'll go make it you guys go get balloons and the presents!
Ben: oh thank you guys!
Jeff: Ben come here you don't have to cry!
LJack: I f*cking hate kids so much!
Jeff: Well we're celebrating Ben's birthday so if you hate birthday parties then you probably should just leave.
LJack: f*ck you Jeff
Slenderman: Not around Sally and Lazari!
Ben: Sally could you to your room with Lazari and make a card for me?
Sally/Lazari: Yes!!! We'll make it so pretty!
LJack: why does she listen to you so much?
Ben: She's my cousin.
LJack: alright f*ck this sh*t I'm out!
Jeff: Ok?
Ben: Bye b*tch.
LJack: You little-
Slenderman: AND the cakes ready!!!
Sally/Lazari/Toby: YAY!!
Toby: Aw *twitch* Yea! *twitch*
E.J: Toby your twitching a lot...
Toby: I *twitch* don't *twitch* care *twitch*
Ej: *gets tobys medicine* Take it.
Toby: But I want cake!
Ej: Take the medicine or no cake.
Toby: You're not in charge of me-
Slenderman: but I am and I say take the medicine.
Toby: Hmph...Fine I'll take it.
EJ: Thank you both.
Jeff: Is there the stubborn list.
Slenderman: I mean yes there is but there's a lot of things that some people are the most stubborn at like Toby taking his medicine unlike masky...he...you know.
Jeff: Yeah.
Masky: What Toby?
LuLu: I got the balloons!
Ben: Oooo!
Jeff: Heh Ben you love them don't you?
LuLu: Oh yeah I got one with Jeff's face on it.
LuLu: Ok here you go.
Jeff: Heh I love you Ben
Ben: I love you too and balloon Jeff.
Slenderman: Sally! Lazari! The cakes ready!
Sally: Yay!
Lazari: Ooh what kind is it?
Slenderman: Chocolate!
Lazari: Yummmm
Jeff: Ben gets first slice since it's his birthday.
Slenderman: of course!
Ben: Aw thanks!
Ben: *shoves cake into Jeff's mouth* hehe!
Jeff: Hehe Ben what are you doing! Haha!
Ben: You were being too lovey dovey so I shoved cake into your face?
Jeff: ok then it's my turn!

         Laughing Jack's
I go down stairs and everyone is throwing cake around in each other's faces. Even LuLu which I didn't think that she would do that because I thought she was shy. Ben and Jeff were flirting which I hated. Even f*cking E.J was participating which is that NOT common for E.J because he's an introvert. I hate kids so living in this mansion sucks because there's so many kids! Ugh but Slenderman seems to love kids and always tells me not to cuss around Sally and Lazari but I'm an adult so I'm gonna cuss as much as I want. F*ck you Slenderman!

LJack: Ugh f*ck you kids...
Slenderman: Laughing Jack! What did I say! Even Jeff is doing a better Job not cussing than you!
Sally: mm- pfm- mm- *starts crying*
Ben: Sally come here.
Sally: *runs towards Jeff and Ben*
Ben: Shhh it's ok he can't hurt you anymore.
Jeff whispers in Ben's ear: Does people cursing remind her of her r*per?
Ben: Yea I feel so bad about it...
Jeff: Ben your breathing is getting faster...  
Ben: I- um- I- I'm
Jeff: Breath in...1...2..3...and out...1...2..3 and repeat that 3 times Ben.
Ben * breathes in and out*
Jeff: Good Job Ben!
Ben: hehe anyway...
Jeff: *crouches down* hey can you do the same thing Ben did for me Sally?
Sally: *nods head*
Ben: *starts breathing in and out to help Sally*
Sally: Ok I'm ok now.
Lazari: Yayyy!
Ben; Jeez Jeff you should become a therapist you just solved two panic attacks and this isn't the first time you've done it!
Jeff: I mean I may have helped you and Sally but that's because I love you and Sally is your cousin so...
Ben: Oh yeah and after we finish cake who wants to beat LJack's butt?
Jeff: HAHA! gladly.
Slenderman: I don't mind just don't kill him-
Jeff: Dang it...
Slenderman: I mean you could push him down the steps-
Slenderman: Is it not obvious?
Jeff: Wow! *falls to knees from laughing*
Ben: *starts laughing too*
Sally: Yeah! I'm gonna beat your butt!
Slenderman: Don't fight back or ELSE.
LJack: what? You'll ground me?
Slenderman: I could or I could put you in room arrest.
LJack: Fine let's get this over with.

Author: Ayyy that makes another chapter! I really hope someone's reading this but I have no clue if someone is. But if you are- Hi! If you're want another chapter could you comment maybe? You don't have to though. :)
Bye have a great morning/afternoon/night! :)

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