Honeymoon continued

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There's probably a million people who love him but out of everyone he chose me. It's kind of hard to believe. Speaking of hard. My mind slips away and I feel myself start to pass out.

I hear a low laugh and feel a hand around my throat. I know that grip and that hand. It's Jeff. He laughs again and bites the tip of my ear and suddenly I remember where I am.

Jeff: Babyyy you're not tired already are you?~
Ben: N-no..
Jeff: I wasn't even going that hard baby. How are you already passing out? Usually you can go at least an hour.~
Ben: J-Jeff...I..we...I don't know..
Jeff: Relax baby I was joking...or..simply..teasing

Jeff bites down on my ear again, one of my biggest sweet spots, and I feel my back arch. I feel drool dripping out of my mouth. I can hardly focus...

Jeff's POV:
Ben is whimpering and drooling. He's such a beautiful sight. I love playing with his ears. I love the way he arches his back. I grab his chin and make him look at me.

Jeff: Such a messy baby aren't you?~
Ben: I c-can't he-help it. P-playing with m-my ears j-just feels w-way too g-good~ Ah!~

Ben moans the most beautiful and lewd whimper I've ever heard and it turns me on even more.

Jeff: F-fuck baby. You're so fucking cute. Damn.
Ben: Y-You're so hot...P-please...m-more....m-more p-please!~ 
Jeff: Holy shit baby...you're driving me crazy..
Ben: I-in a g-good way?
Jeff: Oh in the best way.~

Since I'm still in him I pull out to where only the tip is in. He tries moving back but I spank him and he yelps and whimpers.

Jeff: Oh you want it that bad baby?~
Ben: Y-yes! I w-want it so b-bad. I n-need it!~
Jeff: Aw so needy aren't you?~
Ben: J-Jeff pl-please~! I-I'll beg! P-please just g-give i-it to m-me~!
Jeff: Ok. You want it. You'll get it~

I slam all the way back into him and he screams in pleasure. I'm not sure why he's so needy for me since we just had sex recently. I love it though. It's the cutest thing ever. You know..I love pushing him to the edge and then just stopping and listening to him beg. I bite down on his ear and slam into him again.

Ben: J-Jeff! I-I'm gonna c-cum~!
Jeff: Oh not yet~

I stop thrusting in him and stop touching him completely and he whines. Tears roll down his cheeks.

Ben: F-fuck...p-please...p-please Jeff..f-fuck...j-just fuck m-me! P-please~ I-I'll be a g-good boy! Please! Fuck me~!
Jeff: Oh baby so very needy~ Tell me darling who is it you're needy for?
Ben: Mmm...Y-you! A-ah..Only you! I b-belong to you!
Jeff: Sorry who?
Ben: F-fuck..I said y-you!

I slam back into him and stop again.

Jeff: What's my name?
Ben: F-fuck...w-which one? A-ah..p-please..
Jeff: I'm not sure. Which one do you scream at the top of your lungs so everyone knows you're mine~?

I thrust hard not fast but rough. Not hard enough that it's hurting him just hard enough to make him understand. He's mine. Only mine.

Ben: A-Ah~! P-please...just f-fuck me~!
Jeff: Oh baby you can't have what you want that easily. Come on all you have to do is say who you belong to~
Ben: A-Ah~ I b-belong to y-you..~
Jeff: Oh I know damn well who you belong to. Do you know who you belong to? Do the neighbors know who you belong to? How about the pizza guy? Now let's try this again...Who do you belong to~
Ben: I b-belong to you~! W-what more do you want~?

He whines again and I thrust into him barely holding back.

Ben: O-Ow! T-too much~!
Jeff: Now is that a very kind way to talk to me? Now try it again but don't tell me who you belong to.
Ben: A-Ah I belong t-to Jeff~!

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