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Yo before I start this cHaPtA the baby's name is Jenna because Jeff and Ben combine those names it would be Like Jen but I thought that was boring so I made it Jenna! Ok now enjoy the chapter!Childishauthor~

Ben: Well?
Slenderman: Plus you're really good at calming Ben down!
Ben: Heh yeah...
Jeff: Ok when should we start though???
Slenderman: Next week. I'll be a backup.
Jeff: ok
With Lazari and Sally
Lazari: You look so pretty LuLu!
LuLu: Oh thank you guys but isn't this a little too pretty???
Sally: No it's perfect! Go show everyone!
LuLu: H-hey Guys!
Everyone: Wow you look so fabulous LuLu!
Slenderman: Don't Be embarrassed LuLu!

Lulus face grows red and she hides her face with her sleeves and sits on the couch and brings her knees up to her face to. Slenderman chuckles.

Cw: You could be a disco ball with that sparkly dress hehe!

It began raining so much that the woods outside were starting to flood and some water even got in the house from the cracks below the doors.

LuLu: Slenderman maybe it's that time of the year...
Slenderman: I think so. Guys it's that time of year! Make sure to get every single piece of furniture into the very top floor!

As soon as slenderman said that everyone raced around grabbing furniture and dragging it into the elevators and bringing it to the very top floor. Once all the furniture was on the top floor people settled down a bit...but some didn't...

Slenderman: Downstairs is OFF limits and possibly the second floor too, But I am still deciding whether to close it off or not. Make sure if you live in the second floor be prepared to possibly move on the fourth.
Ben: So...what about Jenna?
Slenderman: Her room is on the second floor right?
Ben: yes
Slenderman: be careful then.

Later Jenna was crawling around....then found the stairs the water was already up to the 4th step... she crawled around some more then fell down the stairs she plopped in the water and started floating in the water..,
Ben: OMG!

Ben doesn't hesitate at all and starts looking for her in the water but after he jumps he feel the water rising up to his Knees he screams for Jeff. Jeff screams Ben's name asking him where he was and what happened....Ben answers the baby fell in the water I'm downst-stairs!
Jeff: Ben?! Jenn- wha-
Ben: I found her! I can't- I can't move!
Jeff: Don't worry Ben I'm coming where the baby?!
Ben: O-ovvv-over th-There!
Jeff: Slender!
Slenderman: I got her!

Slenderman runs upstairs with Jenna and Jeff wraps his arms on Ben's waist and whispers in Ben's ear it's going to be fine the picked him up like bridesmaid style and race upstairs almost falling back into the water. Finally he makes it back upstairs and puts Ben down on a couch that's in Jenna's room. Jeff starts packing Jenna's things in a baby bag and brings them to an extra room on the fourth floor he brings the cart of baby stuff in first and puts the diapers, baby lotion,toys, and baby bottles in it. He runs back down stairs and gets the bed for some odd reason he takes the stairs

Ben: Nnnn
Slenderman: Oh good you're awake ben!

Ben shoots up and demanding to know where Jeff is. He freaks out because the last time he remembers seeing  Jeff was right after he told him that everything would be ok. He didn't know if Jeff was safe.

Ben: Slenderman IS he OK??
Slenderman: Ben calm down  he's just taking Jenna's stuff to an extra room on the fourth floor!
Jeff: Ben!! I'm ok!
Jeff yells from the fourth floor Ben's eyes light up and his cheeks turn a little pink.

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