Helping Ben walk

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                  Jeff's POV
Ben really wanted to walk again and not stay in bed all day so I asked him if he wanted me to see if he could walk. Ben was also scared to walk though it wasn't exactly walking that he was afraid of and more the pain that  might come with it.

Jeff: ready?
Ben: Yea
Jeff: ok do you remember how to walk?
Ben: Yes.
Jeff: ok you can put your hand on my shoulder for support and if you start falling I'll catch you.
Ben: ok thanks
Jeff: Your doing really good Ben!
Ben: Heh thanks!
Jeff: hehehehe
Ben's thinking: FRICK
Jeff's thinking: Wait sh-
Slenderman: OoOoOoO Why are you on top of him
Ben: Owwww
Jeff: you ok?
Ben: I think so?

               Jeff's POV
Ben FELL on me when I was trying to help him walk. I looked up and I saw his little face turned CHERRY red it was so cute...until SLENDER fricking was all "OoOoOoOo  are you on top of him?"
                Ben's POV
Everything was going SO WELL until...I tripped and landed on Jeff. Slenderman had a great time teasing me about it...I don't even think I would be on top of him...he would be on top of me...NOPE NOPE NOPE! Not gonna think about that.

Jeff: here.
Ben: thanks
Slenderman: You guys would be such a cute couple!!!
Jeff: Dang right!
Ben: Uh- hehe
Slenderman: Ooo Ben you're blushing!!!
Ben: Wh-What?!
Jeff: Oh shut it slender
Ben: uh-
Slenderman: Ok ok Sorry.

                  Ben's POV
All of us just had lunch when Jeff came to my room

Jeff: hey.
Ben: hey what's up?
Jeff: I wanted to ask you something...
Ben: ok?
Jeff: so are
Ben: uh- I- um- 
Jeff: we could...if you'd like...
Ben: Um- I- Ok?
Jeff: If your comfortable with it if of course.
Ben: Sure! I'd loved to be your boyfriend!
Jeff: Cool.
Ben: should we tell the others?
Jeff: I guess but I'm not sure they'll be that suprised.
Ben: Um...ok?
Jeff: let's go
Ben: O-Ok
Jeff: Guys we have something to tell you.
Slenderman: ok.
Jeff: first of all... Ben can walk again...
Slenderman: That's good!
Ben: but I have a lot of trouble with stairs...
Jeff: Yeah...
Slenderman: That's okay
Jeff: and second me and Ben are dating now.
Ben: Hehe...
E.j: Toby settle down.
Slenderman: Yeah everyone is big troublemakers.
LuLu: what about me?
Slenderman: You're a different kind of troublemaker...
LuLu: oh? What kind?
Slenderman: The kind I know when we're killing.
LuLu: heheh
Ben: Jeez it's been awhile since the accident...
Jeff: Ben...
Ben: I'm fine Jeff
Jeff: You sure?
Ben: I don't know...
Slenderman: are you scared for going into the T.V again?
Jeff: He can barely walk slender
Slenderman: That's true.
Jeff: Ben what about this...
Ben: Hm?
Jeff: What if you watch your boyfriend stab people?
Ben: I- Sure!

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