The biggest troublemaker

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Ben: So who's the biggest troublemaker?
Slenderman: Jeff definitely Jeff.
Slenderman: Then Toby, Lazari, Sally, Ben, and Jack.
Toby: That seems pretty accurate hehehe
Jeff: hmm I think Ben might be in between Sally and Lazari though.
Slenderman: hmm well I never catch him doing anything too bad.
Jeff: do you not remember the snowball fight with Lazari?
Slenderman: oh yeah...
Toby: hm?
Ben: oh..yeah sorry about that Jeff.
Jeff: heh it's ok Ben I did literally the same thing.
Toby: Wait what snowball fight?
Slenderman: it was on Lazari's birthday also Christmas but you and jack weren't outside.
Toby: I want to hear the story!!!
Jeff: Fine
Ben: yeah my place in being a troublemaker might go up.
Jeff: Me and Ben were having a snowball fight and we- haha we both put a rock in our snowballs so then we just starting throwing a bunch and then Ben accidentally missed and hit Lazari...
Ben: yeah...gosh.
Jeff: she got so mad and got out her hammerfist and I remember the exact words.
Ben: Dude that's a hammerfist it's gonna-
Jeff: Shut up this is your fault-
Slenderman: Yeah maybe you are a big troublemaker.

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