Go time.

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Previously: I lean down and give him a kiss on his forehead. I see him smile at me. His smile is so pretty. I love him so much. I want to spend all of my time with him and Jenna. Hey maybe one day Jeff and me will get married. Then we can be one happy family.

Jeff's POV:
It's happening today. I'm proposing to Ben today. I'm honestly nervous. I'm pretty sure he'll say yes but I can't help but being nervous. I mean isn't everyone nervous when they're about to propose to their significant other? Probably not everyone. I don't know. I need to go get the rings from Slender. I get off bed and walk towards his office. I was going to open the door but I hear yelling. I knock on the door and the yelling stops. I see the door open and Clockwork walks out. Slender tells me to come in.

Slenderman: I'm so excited!
Jeff: Yeah yeah. Im nervous. I honestly might puke.
Slenderman: Well it's normal to feel nervous. Here's the rings. Also. Don't puke on my desk please.
Jeff: Yeah right whatever. I'll try not to. Also. Thanks for helping me plan.
Slenderman: No problem Jeff. You got this! Go get Ben engaged!
Jeff: Alright.
Slenderman: Tell me how it went when you get back.
Jeff: I will. Bye slender.

I walk out of his office and walk back towards me and Ben's room. When I get there he's just getting out of showering. He looks a bit upset.

Ben: Where was my "morning love." This morning.
Jeff: I didn't get to tell you because I have a surprise for you.

I see his eyes light up. He also looks confused though. I laugh a little bit. He gets dressed then he stands up and walks towards me. Then he looks around the room. I'm guessing he thinks it's gonna be here.

Jeff: Come with me love. We're going somewhere.
Ben: Jeff what are you doing?
Jeff: Bringing you to your surprise.
Ben: Ok? This is a little weird...
Jeff: It's nothing bad I promise.
Ben: Ok... How far away is it?
Jeff: Not that far. Here put on this blindfold.

Ben's POV:
Is this a bad time to tell him I have a blindfold kink? Probably. I'll tell him later. My dick my tell him sooner though.

Ben: Right...
Jeff: You don't have to put it all the way down right now but just have it.
Ben: What are you doing?
Jeff: One of our drivers is gonna take us somewhere.
Ben: Where???
Jeff: Love. I said it was a surprise.
Ben: Right.

Jeff's pov:
We get into the car and drive to the location slender selected. I see we're getting close to the location so I pull the mask down over Ben's eyes. We arrive and it's honestly beautiful. It's perfect.
I get out of the car.

Jeff: Okay love you're gonna take my hand now.
Ben: Okay?
Jeff: Alright stand right here.
Ben: Are you about to leave me?
Jeff: No just give me a second I'm setting up you're surprise.
Ben: Okay...
Jeff: Alright take off the blindfold.

He slowly takes it off and he looks at me. I'm on one knee with the engagement ring in my hand. It's in a box that has cute little roses on it.

Jeff: Love...I have loved you for so long...I never want to leave you. I want to be with you forever. I want to grow a family with you. I want you as my husband. So will you marry me?
Ben: Jeff...Of course! Of course! Of course! this is what you've been planning?! I love you! I love you I love you I love you!
Jeff: I love you too.
Ben: I love you so much. I want to scream.

I hug him, pick him up, and spin. I kiss him and he kisses back. I never felt more love in my life. It feels like love is floating around the air.

Jeff: So..check the place out.
Ben: It's...beautiful. It reminds me of the dream I had of you.
Jeff: I know. I went to the "nurse" and she gave me the list of what you wanted.
Ben: How did you manage to keep this from me!? I thought you were terrible about hiding things.
Jeff: Well I had help from slender. I planned most of it though.
Ben: You did all of this for me?
Jeff: Well of course you're my...fiancé.
Ben:Wow...I'm your fiancé. I love it!

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