9 months later (because I'm lazyyy)

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Cw: they basically go through that pain once a month (if u know u know)
Slenderman: I'll go get the doctor
(Yo it's authorchild and I just want to explain they have a doctor in the Mansion because they're criminals so normal doc ain't it chief.)
Ben: UGHHHH Mother lord Jeezuz!
Slenderman: Uhhh LuLu can you take the little girls?
LuLu: Of course! Hey Lazari and Sally can we go play dress-up?!
Sally: YES!!! Can we put you in a pretty dress!?
LuLu: I- uh- Yea!...oh goodness...
Lazari: Yea!! Let's go!
Lazari and Sally takes LuLu's arms and run with her to their room.
Ben: UGHHH hurry up!
       -After all the chaos-
          2 months later 
Ben: Jeff! It's your turn to feed her!!!
Jeff: Coming!
Slenderman: do you like the room I gave her???
Ben: Yess!!! It's so adorable!

The thunder rumbles outside and since the incident he's been scared of storms. Storms weren't the only thing ben was scared of He obviously was scared of flooding and all that but one of his fears the other creepypasta didn't know about...he was afraid of belts.
Ben: Oh god it's storming...ok don't panic Ben it'll be fine you'll be fine!
Slenderman: Hasn't gotten any better?
Ben: No it's got better than got really bad like worse then before...
Jeff: Ben come here!
Ben: woah...C-coming

Ben looks like a drunk man he can't even walk straight he uses the wall and starts walking to Jenna's room. Half way there he falls...hard ... his breathing becomes heavy and fast... the thunder booms around the house...Ben's breathing becomes ever faster and he can't seem to catch his breath.

Jeff: Ben!!!

Jeff knows what made the loud thump on the floor by instinct he races to Ben lying on the floor struggling to get up. Jeff picks up Ben and takes him to Jenna's room, He sees Ben is having another panic attack he closes the windows and closes the door (which are both soundproof)  he goes back to Ben.
Jeff: Ben it's okay it's just s storm you're going to be fine.
Ben: J-Jeff?
Jeff: Yeah?
Ben: I don't like you having to take care of me. We literally have a two month old. We need to take care of Jenna! We can't have me being treated like a baby every time it storms or the power goes out or whatever! Whenever I have a panic attack let me deal with it!
Jeff: Be-
Slenderman: He only helps you because he's loves you and wants you safe.
( Slenderman coming out of nowhere again 🤣).
Ben: I know that!
Slenderman: We all want you safe!
Ben: Well if it means me not being safe for Jenna to be taken care of then I guess I'm not going to be safe!
Jeff: Ben. Listen if you are panicking you can't take care of Jenna anyway! You will either fall to the floor with the baby or you will get shaky and drop her!
Slenderman: How is he so  smart with this stuff???
Ben: Then how can I do anything if I'm having a panic attack all the time?!
Jeff: Well what if we do therapy? You could be trained for situations like this.
Slenderman: Jeff why don't you be the therapist? You're the only one he trusts.

—To      Be.        Continued—

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