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Previously: Jeff picks me up and takes me upstairs to our room. I know that Toby is being taken upstairs by E.J. Well I guess that's one reason to like Toby. He's also a bottom. Thank god he didn't make me beg to go upstairs. Jesus. Jeff puts me down on the bed and cuddles me as we fall asleep.

A few weeks later.
Ben's POV:
It's so boring at the house without Jeff. He's out planning our wedding and I'm stuck here. However it gives me time to spend with Jenna. Again. I'm still super sore so that's gonna be fun. I have to actually try to walk since my prince isn't here to carry me. Speaking of Jeff my phone vibrates and I look to see that I have a text from him. It says, "I'm free right now if you want to call or anything. We're taking a little break." Well. I guess I'll call him. I call him and he picks up almost immediately.

Jeff: Hey baby.

He catches me off guard so much that I smack my face and give myself a nosebleed. Crap. What do I even do.

Ben: Jeff you hot fuck. I just gave myself a nosebleed but can't fucking walk to the bathroom because you fucking pounded my ass so hard.
Jeff: To be fair you literally did ask for it. I'm not trying to be one of those toxic masculinity guys but you did literally beg for it.
Ben: Shush.
Jeff: if I remember right it was something like, "I d-don't care just f-fuck me!" Right love?
Ben: Shut the fuck up I know what I did!
Jeff: Or... "Ah! F-fuck me! P-please!"
Ben: Yes I remember. Leave me alone.
Jeff: I will if you do something for me.

Well fuck. This probably isn't gonna end well. When he wants something he most likely wants me to beg. He loves when I beg. A lot. Wait. Does that mean he's hard right now or does he just miss me? What am I stupid? Obviously he wouldn't bring THAT up if he wasn't hard.

Jeff: Baby~ are you zoning out right now?
Ben: S-sorry.
Jeff: What goes on in that little mind of yours?~
Ben: Depends...
Jeff: Baby you know exactly what I mean. When I'm fucking you so hard that you collapse? I bet you're thinking a specific time right now.
Ben: S-stop.
Jeff: You want me to stop because you don't want to get hard because you clearly won't know how to deal with it. Isn't that right my little prince?
Ben: f-fuck...Jeff please.
Jeff: But honestly..what does go on in that little mind of yours? What thoughts run through your head when you think of me?
Ben: P-plenty. Sometimes I think about being tied up in a chair blindfolded while you touch me all o-ove-Hah~
Jeff: even just thinking about it gets you going huh?
Ben: Your low deep voice gets me going a lot.
Jeff: Oh..? Is that so? Good to know.
Ben: W-where are you anyways?
Jeff: I'm spending my break in a bathroom listening to the cutest fucking—Ah—boy I've ever met.
Ben: Are y-you t-touch...
Jeff: Am I touching myself? Yes. You should try it baby~
Ben: How d-do I even..
Jeff: It simple baby~ do the thing I always do to you.
Ben: T-Thats different because it's you.
Jeff: You have the vibrator. You have a bunch of toys under the bed. You could easily please yourself~
Ben: T-Thats what the box is under the bed?!
Jeff: Of course darling~ what else would it be? Now go on. Get your favorite thing from that box.
Ben: B-but there might be multiple...
Jeff: Awww my dirty little prince. Pick your top 3 favorite things in that box and have it ready for when I get home.
Ben: O-ok...when do you get home..?
Jeff: Soon~ I'll make sure of it baby~
Ben: Ok..
Jeff: Be patient darling. I'll see you soon.
Ben: W-wait..!
Jeff: Hm?
Ben: D-did you fix your p-problem..?
Jeff: Oh baby you don't need to worry about that. Trust me.
Ben: I..I can help you..
Jeff: Really darling~
Ben: Y-Yeah..
Jeff: How about this..we do something we've never done before. We do it over the phone. Don't worry you'll love it.
Ben: O-ok~

I get up and lock the door then pull out the box from under the bed. I grab my phone again and put it on speaker since the door is closed now. Jeff is whispering about all the things he could do right now. While he's busy rambling I stick my fingers in and it hurts. I wince and Jeff stops talking for a second.

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