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               ⚠️Smut because I feel like it ⚠️

I missed when things were normal but if they were normal I wouldn't be with Jeff and I don't know what I'd do without him. He's just too perfect for me.

Ben's POV:
I wake up smiling remembering all the memories I created with Jeff. Then I remember my first time with him.
(If you already read the whole story go back to "Ben~" because I changed a lot about that chapter.)
I feel my face heat up as I run through all the events during that night. I remember the nicknames he called me.
I started feeling that familiar feeling. I turned around to see if Jeff was still sleeping but he wasn't. He pulled me by the waist and pulled me into his lap.

Jeff: You alright love?
Ben: I'm f-fine.

The nickname made me start losing it quicker. I could tell Jeff knew something was up. I turned around to face him still sitting on his lap.

Ben: Can you help m-me...
Jeff. With what love?
Ben: Can you...f-fuck me?
Jeff: Ah. I see.
Ben: Please go gentle this time.
Jeff: You know what to do and not do.
Ben: Can you...never mind.
Jeff: Darling. What do you need?
Ben: Make me...scream. Please.
Jeff: you want me to play with you dear?

I nod and take my shirt off and Jeff first goes for the neck and starts working his way down until he reaches my chest. He smirks at me and bites down on one of my nipples. I clench my teeth not letting a sound escape me.

Jeff: Baby~ let me hear you. We have sound proof doors. There's no use hiding it.
Ben: Sorry
Jeff: Don't be sorry darling~

He bit down again but hard this time and I threw my head back.

Ben: AH~
Jeff: Sorry darling was that too hard?
Ben: Mm- N-No. It f-felt good...
Jeff: Good~

He again bites down on my nipple and I scream in pleasure. He sucks and bites one while he flicks and rubs the other. My back arches from all the pleasure. I whimper even though it feels so good.

Jeff: Let's take care of down there shall we?
Ben: O-okay.

A/N: Before we continue to the spiciness Ben was wearing Jeff's sweatshirt and boxers and no pants. Alright bye.

Jeff pulls down my boxers and lays me down on the bed. He starts stroking me up and down which I didn't realize until now that it was so sensitive.

Ben: Ah- J-Jeff~
Jeff: Sensitive are we~
Ben: Mmh-

Jeff got something out from the same place he got the vibrator last time.

Ben: W-wait b-but I didn't d-disobey y-you
Jeff: Can't let you have all the fun darling~
Ben: Wh- what is it?
Jeff: It's a ring. It prevents you from coming.
Ben: B-but-
Jeff: Darling it's not a punishment. It'll make you feel really good. 
Ben: Okay..

Jeff puts the ring on me and smirks waiting for me to respond or react. Then I feel it. It makes me feel like I'm going to explode.

Jeff: You feeling good yet?
Ben: Y-yes.

I play with his belt pulling at it. He looks down at me and crosses his arms assuming I knew what he meant. He pulled me in and looked into my pleading eyes.

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