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                Ben's POV
I stare at the test I ask myself "I wonder if Jeff wants a child? Would he be sad if it was negative? Would he be mad if it was positive?!" I feel my breathing because faster and I start feeling dizzy. I feel
Smyself fall to the floor. Then I hear Jeff run away I guess he is getting the key.

Ben: I'm di- Dizzy
Jeff: I'm coming in!

I get up with pain in my stomach and head it hurts so much that I can only kneel but I can reach the test I grab it and fall back down and then Jeff opens the door.

Jeff: BEN?!
Ben: *panting* I'm *panting* fine...Jeff.
Jeff: Really? Can you get up? Without falling back down again?
Jeff: Thought so.
Ben: Can I go lay on our bed again?
Jeff: Yes. Do you have the test?
Ben: Yeah but can we discuss about it later? I want it to be a surprise. Even if it's negative.
Jeff: Ok get some rest and I'll get you some medicine.

And then I fall asleep- well I pretend to until Jeff is for sure gone. I take another look at the pregnancy test, Ugh still positive! I'm scared of what Jeff will think. Will he hate me?! Will he break up with me?! I hate not knowing things!!! Ugh I'm so dizzy. OW!!! Omg is this what my mom had to deal with?! Being pregnant hurts!!!! I don't know if I will ever become pregnant again! Jeez! Ow. Well since I have nothing else to do I guess I'll sleep.

                Jeff's POV
I walk out of Ben's room- well our room and I go to clockworks.

Jeff: Hey thanks... I guess.
Cw: No problem.
Jeff: You are very bad at hiding the sarcasm in your voice.
Cw: And? So are you.
Jeff: Ok whatever but I haven't found out yet still.
Cw: Omg he is obviously scared of telling you because he obviously thinks that you'll probably hate him either way!!!
Jeff: I could never hate Ben!
Cw: Well don't tell that to me idiot.
Jeff: Thanks for the advice too I guess anyway, bye.
Cw: K. bye. 

I make my way towards our room and I wake up ben and give him the medicine.

Ben: Ugh it tastes so bad.
Jeff: Sorry but I want you to know something.
Ben: Wh-What?

Ben starts shaking and his eyes are filling up with tears he is ready for BAD news but I want to make sure he knows.

Jeff: I want you too know that I will love you NO. MATTER. WHAT.
Ben: *sniff* re- *sniff* really?!

Ben let his tears stream down his face but it's not out of sadness it's out of happiness and he's smiling bright just like when I first fell in love with him.

Jeff: Aw come here adorable little Zelda!

I lean towards him and kiss him. He looks at me happily then pulls out the pregnancy test. Waiting for my response I Hug him so hard he lets breaths in super hard.

Ben: so?
Jeff: when do we find out the gender!!! I'm so happy! We need to buy stuff! Maybe we can have the big room in the attic for the baby! Oh and what about names!!!
Ben: Hehehe You'll be a great daddy.
Jeff: And you'll be a great dada. 

I take him in my arms and I carry him to slenders office and surprisingly I see him there.

Slenderman: Well?
Jeff: It's positive!!!
Slenderman: Yay!!!!
Ben: Hehehehe.
Jeff: How about we go shopping tomorrow???
Ben: YES.

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