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Previously (Ben's POV):
I look at our rings and I kiss his ring. I smile thinking how me and Jeff are going to be together forever. Death can't do us part. It already did once. It won't again. I fall asleep smiling about Jeff and my life currently.

Continued (Same POV):
I wake up to Jeff lightly tapping my shoulder. I look around and I realize we're back at Slenderman's mansion. I'm gonna be honest I loved the time with Jeff alone but I missed being together as a family. Well my family with the Proxies and Slenderman but also our three lovely children. Jenna, Noah, and Austin. 2 girls 1 boy. I love them so much. Jenna is 2 years old and the twins are only a few days old. I come back to my senses when I realize I have to get out of the car. I can't walk though. Jeff comes to my side of the car and picks me up. He sets me on the suitcase and wheels me in. Most people were happy to see us again. Especially Jenna she walked up to me well. Waddled to me.

Jenna: Papa! hi hi!
Ben: Aw hi baby! How have you been?

I scoop her up in my arms and scrunch my nose at her. She smiles and wraps her tiny arms around my neck. This was a big mistake. I almost fall over because I forgot that my legs are wrecked because of Jeff. I don't fall though because Jeff picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. As I'm sitting there on his shoulder I see Slenderman bring Austin and Noah out. They're so adorable.

Ben: Slender? We might have to go shopping because I don't know if the twins have any baby supplies. I mean we do have some of Jenna's old baby supplies but obviously we didn't have two bed—
Slenderman: Ben. Ben. I got it. I bought some stuff for them don't worry about it.
Ben: oh. Well thank you.
Slenderman: Of course. Now all of you go spend time together as a family for the first time. I have to go take care of Toby.
Ben: Hm? What's up with Toby?
Slenderman: He had a pretty bad tic attack.
Ben: Oh. Well. make sure he gets some rest.
Slenderman: Alright. Bye you guys.
Ben: Bye bye.

Me, Jeff, and our 3 kids head up to me and Jeff's room. Jeff has Jenna in his arms and I have the twins. We're sitting down on the bed and just enjoying our life. I never imagined that this is where my life well dead life would go but I'm perfectly fine with it. I love Jeff and our adorable kids. They're my family. I hope I can be a good papa to them even if I never had a good father. I promise them. No matter what happens. I will love them and care for them.

Jenna: I love you papa! I love daddy too! I love Austi and Noah
Ben: Jenna it's Austin
Jenna: I know I like Austi better.
Ben: is that is nickname?
Jenna: Mhm!
Ben: Okay.
Jenna: Can I try holding one?
Ben: You wanna hold Austin or Noah?
Jenna: Austi! Austi!
Ben: Okay make sure you support her head.
Jenna: Am I doing it right?
Ben: You're doing great Jen Jen!
Jenna: Thanks Papa!
Ben: Mhm.
Jenna: Woah! Are those his eyes?
Ben: Wow. Yeah he opened his eyes Jen Jen!
Jenna: He has pretty eyes.
Ben: Just as pretty as yours. You're all very beautiful.
Jenna: You too papa!
Jeff: Seriously. You too. The most beautiful thing in the world.
Jenna: Ewww! Go kiss somewhere else!
Ben: Haha alright that's enough love.
Jeff: Ugh but that just makes me want to kiss you more!
Jenna: Gross!!
Ben: Love stop it! Hahaha!
Jeff: Alright alright I'll stop my lovely husband.
Jenna: Papa I have a question.
Ben: Oh yeah? What about?
Jenna: How was I born?
Ben: Oh um. Well uh you were cut out of my stomach.
Jenna: Well yeah I know that part! How did I get into your tummy?
Ben: Oh uh-
Jeff: Have you eaten yet?
Jenna: Oh. Maybeee?
Jeff: Oh really now?
Jenna: Yeahhhh
Jeff: Come on. Let's go eat. Okay?
Jenna: Alright I guess so.

We all go down and sit at the table. Jeff starts cooking up some lunch and serves it to us. Jenna is sitting in between me and Jeff. I'm holding Austin and Jeff is holding Noah and we're feeding them. Jenna is just happily eating her eggs and bacon that Jeff made. Sure maybe it's a breakfast food but Jeff makes the best eggs and bacon. He's an amazing cook. I wish I could just have the food he makes everyday. I mean I guess I could now. We're an official family. These are my kids. Jeff is my husband that's crazy to believe. If someone would've told me when I was alive that this is the future that was ahead of me I wouldn't have believed them. No way. I take out my phone and snap a photo of all of us. I want to keep this memory forever. The first meal I had with my family. I love them. I would do anything for them.

Jeff's POV:
So this is it huh? This is how it all turned out. I got to have the best family in the world. The best kids. The best husband I could ever ask for. I'm thankful that this is how my life turned out. We both may have come from terrible pasts and terrible families but we will be the best parents we could ever possibly be. We will learn from all of our parents mistakes. We will be the best we possibly can moving forward. We will teach them to accept and love everyone. We will care and nurture for them even when they grow up. They will be our little babies forever. This is it. Life with a gamer as my lover. As my husband. As my world. As my everything.

A/N: And that concludes Life With A Gamer As A Lover. Thank you all for the support and thank you for making it this far. It has been a long two years of writing this. At times my grammer was not the best but I slowly but surely improved. I still have a long way to go in this journey of writing but this is just the beginning. Thank you. There might be a sequel to this. So stay tuned for that. Thank you all so much. Also yes I did end it on chapter 69 on purpose. Sorry this took me awhile to post. I forgot about it to be honest. I've been working on another story without publishing yet. So sorry! Also sorry the ending to this book was a bit rushed! Thank you all so much again! <3

Potential upcoming books:
Pirate's Love
Grown Up (the sequel I MIGHT do.)

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