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                 Jeff's POV
Ugh where is he?! Why does this Slender's mansion have to be so BIG?! And Ben is so little~ Ah! There he is- w-what's he wearing?! A m-maid outfit- He's turning so red~ he looks so cute!

Ben: Ah! H-hi J-Jeff!
Jeff: Hi Ben~
LuLu: I'm taking the girls before- yeah you know-
Slenderman: WELL- I'm going to go find a child to eat *goes out front door*
Everyone but Jeff and Ben: I'm going to go now..
Jeff: *picks Ben up*
Ben: Jeff don't you dare-
Jeff: You seemed to like it last time~
Ben: Sh-Shut u-up that wasn't the same!
Jeff: Well this time is gonna be better~
Ben: wh-wha~
Jeff: Good thing we have sound-proof doors~
Ben: JEFFFF! No!!!
Jeff: eventually you will be out of that maid outfit in no time~
Ben: Jef-

He didn't get to say another word because we had made it to his bedroom and I had already locked the door and I had pushed up against the
wall and was kissing his soft lips.

Ben's POV
I was going to tell Jeff not to- well- do what he was planning but it was too late we had already made it to my room and he had locked the door already and was kissing my lips- HARD

Ben: Mmmn- Ah- J- Jeff! Ah- St- Stop- h- hold- o- on- ah-
Jeff: What Ben~

I take a second to catch my breath

Ben: please...hold on...
Jeff: You like it and I know it~
Ben: I didn't say I didn't- I just am saying let me catch my breath~
Jeff: *smirks* alright Ben~
Ben: C-come h-here ~
Jeff: Of course~
(A/N: I'm going to hell)
Ben: ngh~ a-Ah~
Jeff: I knew you liked it~
Ben: Then give me more~
Jeff: of course d-darling~
Ben: Mmn- Ah- J-Jeff ~ M-more~ p-please~
Jeff *throws Ben on the bed*
Ben: Ngh-
Jeff: I'll do what you want~
Ben: hehehehe~

Jeff started kissing me down the neck then he got to my chest and starting kissing my nipples which surprised me.

Ben: AH! J-Jeff! Ah~ Ah~ mmm~
Jeff: There's no need to hold back darling~

We paused for a bit to catch our breath but the continued. I was catching my breath and then I just decided screw it and I pulled him in and I kissed him and he kissed back we were drooling all over each other. Jeff licked the drool from my chin.

Ben: J-Jeff y-you're getting a little m-messy~
Jeff: So~

Jeff slammed his body back onto mine and continued kissing my chest leaving marks all over. He then started kissing my stomach which kind of tickled in a way but also almost sent me over the edge.

Jeff: You're doing so good darling~
Ben: Mmn~ T-than- Ah- J-Jeff?

Jeff was still kissing me but he got even lower pretty much at my belt line then stopped.

Jeff: How far do you want to go tonight?
Ben: Wh- what do yo-

Jeff put his knee up against my crotch and looked back at me. I understood what he meant now but took some time to think about it. The more I thought about it the more Jeff moved around his knee which sent me over the edge.

Ben: Ah! Y-yes. I want i-it~ p-please~
Jeff: Want what Ben you'll have to use your words~
Ben: J-Jeff! Ah!
Jeff: Sorry I'm afraid I don't understand you Ben.

Jeff shrugged and starting to get off of me but I pulled him back down to where he was on top of me again.

Ben: Ah~ I- I want it- I want you to- Ah! F-Fuck me!  Ah~ Pl-Please!
Jeff: You sure?
Ben: Ye-Yes! Just- Pl-Please!

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