Christmas special

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Quick note: Any events that happen in this chapter won't happen in the whole story because this is just a special. That said enjoy this little chapter I wrote.

Christmas morning
Ben's POV

I wake up and realize it's Christmas but I'm not too big of a fan of holidays. When I lived with my dad holidays were hard to enjoy with him being an abusive father. I never really had a good holiday and celebrating them just reminds me of all the bad memories I had with him each holiday. For some reason though Christmas was different. On Christmas I was always in the worst moods because one certain year on Christmas is when my father starting drinking because mom had passed away a few weeks earlier. That's all I see Christmas to be. When my father ruined my childhood and taught me how cruel the world was. I hear Jeff start to wake up next to me.

Jeff: Morning love.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I don't know how he can be in such a good mood. If anything I would think he'd be one of the people who'd hate Christmas too because of how many people be nice and happy. I feel Jeff grab my arm and I can tell he's looking at me like I'm acting "off".

Ben: Let go of me.
Jeff: What's wrong love?
Ben: Oh come on. It's Christmas. The dumbest holiday ever.
Jeff: Ben-
Ben: How can you like this holiday? Everyone's so cheerful and annoying with their high pitched voices.
Jeff: Dear. Calm down.

He called me dear. I know what that means. He only calls me "dear" or "darling" when we're in bed. We're not doing it right now though why did he call me dear?

Ben: Dear? Why-
Jeff: Because if you keep talking like this you know you'll get a punishment.

Should I calm down? Am I being over dramatic? No I can't be it's a good reason to be upset. He doesn't know though. He doesn't know that all of those things happened. Still I can't just calm down! I'm so angry and upset.

Ben: So? I should be allowed to be upset!
Jeff: I understand that but there's no need to raise your voice at me and get mad at me.

I think for a little bit but then I realize he's right. It's not his fault. I shouldn't yell at him. I'm totally ruining his morning and Christmas just like my father.

Ben: I'm sorry...
Jeff: Hey hey hey love don't cry. It's okay I'm sure you had a fine reason to be angry. It's alright love now wipe those tears and come here.
Ben: Okay.

I walk over to Jeff and he sits up and pulls me into his lap. I still feel bad about yelling at him though. I don't want to hurt anybody else's feelings. Maybe I should be punished.

Ben: I'm so mean. Jeff can you punish me. I'm such a bad boy.
Jeff: How about this. I'll put the vibrator in and then we can go downstairs with everyone and every time you say something hurtful or mean I will give you a little warning vibration. Get one too many warnings and then you'll get the full punishment.
Ben: Alright.

Jeff gets the vibrator out and I get ready for him to put it in. He put it in dry and I whimper in pain. I guess it was my first "warning" thing for earlier when I got mad at him. So I suck it up and deal with the pain. Then we head downstairs. The whole place is decorated with lights and strings.
It looks amazing. Nothing like a few years back. Me and Jeff go sit on the couch with everyone else. Then I see Toby wearing a shirt that says "Christmas is my fav holiday!" I mumble under my breath loud enough for Jeff to hear but not enough that others around could hear.

Ben: That's so dumb.
Jeff: Dear. That's warning one already.

I feel a quick vibration and bite down on my lip keeping any noise from escaping me. I look at Jeff to let him know I understand. I look around the room and notice Sally isn't here so I get up to go check her room. I knock on the door and Lazari lets me in.

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