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Recap: Jeff goes to slice Ben's dad open but is stopped by...
But he was stopped by someone- He looks behind him still enraged then he realizes who it is and lowers his knife down.

Jeff: B-Ben?! What are you doing?!
Ben: Forgive and forget.
Jeff: You can't forget Ben. PTSD doesn't allow that

Ben goes quiet but then gasps as he sees his father raise a bat and knock Jeff out.His eyes widen as he screams in anger. He  as screams louder at him.

Ben: No one...HURTS MY JEFF!!!

Ben grabs the bat that Ben's dad used and hits him with it 10 times as hard. He loses all his strength and passes out. Sally and Slenderman finally gets to the room and Sally lets out s scream. She looks down at Ben who looks completely beaten up. He's black and blue everywhere and there's blood streaming down his wrists...that look like they've been tied up to something for a long time. Sally runs out of the room screaming and crying searching for LuLu and Lazari. Slenderman grabs Ben and Jeff and drops them off at the "nurses office". He goes back and looks at Ben's dad and picks him up and carried him to a cell that they keep LJ in sometimes.
He goes and checks in with the nurse and listens carefully to the nurse tell the good and bad news.

Nurse: Jeff will be fine in fact he should wake up tonight or tomorrow. However Ben...Ben has a broken arm and a broken leg   and cuts on his wrist that are from being tied up but other cuts look like they're from something else.
Slenderman: I thought that might happen..when will he wake up?
Nurse: It is not clear of when he shall wake but I will notify you when he does.
Slenderman: oh thank you- I'm sorry you have to deal with so many of these accidents we get ourselves into.
Nurse: No it's fine Slender...I like getting to spend time with the kids also make sure they're doing alright.
Slenderman: Oh ok well you know where to find me.
Nurse: Yeah have a good afternoon!

Slenderman walks out of the "nurse office" and walks to the living room and rings a bell that connects to all the proxy's bedrooms. Immediately when the bell rang they all started coming down the stairs with a confused look on their faces.

Bp: You never ring the bell. Unless you have very important news. Is something...wrong?
Slenderman: Well about that...Ben and Jeff have been hurt. Ben is more hurt than Jeff. Jeff should wake up tomorrow and when Ben is to wake up is still to be confirmed. Some may have heard of the accident that happened—some even witnessed it. But others who have no clue of what happened you can ask one of the other proxys. Please do not stress about this.
Cw: Wow the least favorite wakes up first.
Slenderman: I'd advice you to be kind to him when he wakes up because you all should know that the news about Ben is going to affect Jeff a lot. They have a child who has no clue about what's going on too.
E.J: Dang I feel really bad for Jeff.

              Ben's POV
My body aches and I'm unable to open my eyes but I can feel all the pain without being able to move. It hurts and it's frustrating it's like an itch on your back that you can't reach. I want to jump out of my body- but I can't even move my eyelashes. The pain starts burning and stabbing through my body like a bunch of knives. Then I remember...everything..all of it...I remember- JEFF!
I start to panic knowing that I won't be able to know if he's okay...if he's even alive because I can't f*cking move! Body move please for Jeff just move! You love him so much then why can't you just move! Then I hear a voice.

Nurse: Ben! Ben! It's okay I know you're probably panicking because you don't know if Jeff is alright! But he's fine he's just resting but should wake up soon.

I settle down a little bit but I'm still terrified...I love him so much and I can't see him all the time. I get distracted when a bright light comes and then I'm in a maze. Someone is there telling me to go to them. I get a closer look...it's the...it's the nurse! I had forgotten she could get into the mindscape!

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