A mysterious man

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Ben declines the glass of water and sits down at the table. Jeff is arguing to Ben to drink something since he's so dehydrated. They argue for awhile until Ben finally accepts the water and finishes it. They start to head back to their spare room until they stop at the steps they look down and the water is completely gone. Ben sighs in relief but then they here a knock on the door.

Slenderman: Who's at the door?
Jeff: Like I would know.
Ben: Well should we open it?

Slenderman was about to respond when they started knocking again so slenderman walked down the steps and opened the door. Ben and Jeff slowly go down the stairs listening to the conversation.

Slenderman: Hello?
???: Hello
Slenderman: May I ask why your here?
???: I need a place to stay since my house collapse cause of the water. May I stay sir?
Slenderman: Im Sure the
children will be ok with that...
Jeff: Ben?

Ben freezes and stares directly at the person who is now sitting on the couch.

Ben: it can't be...
Slenderman: what's your name?
???: kelbris...Kelbris Lawman.
Ben: no...nonononononono
Jeff: Ben?
Ben's dad: Ben? Wait who's Ben....
Slenderman: He's one of my "adopted" children...

Slenderman started thinking something was off about the guy he let in and Ben slowly walked down the stairs...

Ben: I'm Ben....
Ben's dad: Ben...

Ben's dad says anger in his voice then he lashed out...he pulled out his belt and started beating Ben...Ben fell to the floor screaming.
Slenderman got out his tentacles and grabbed Ben's dad...Ben just stood laying on the floor screaming with tears streaming down his face. A bruise already  started forming on Ben's legs, face, and arms.

Ben's dad: I'm so sorry!!! I didn't mean  to do that! I have D.I.D!

Ben is still screaming in pain    Immediately Slenderman knows what's going to happen next. He's grabs Jeff with one of his other tentacles and grabs his knife away from him.

Ben's dad: Woah was that dude trying to f*cking kill me?!
Jeff: You thi-
Slenderman: It doesn't matter I won't let him. Would you like me to show you the extra room we have for you?
Ben's dad: Yes. Please.
Slenderman: Ok! Right over here.

Slenderman starts leading Ben's dad away to a room for him and puts Jeff down by Ben so he can deal with him. Once their gone Jeff picks Ben up and scoffs in the direction Ben's dad went. Ben weakly squeezed onto Jeff's arm.

Ben: My body...burns...
Jeff: I'm going kill him when I get the chance.
Slenderman: No.you.are not. I know you probably want to watch him bleed out on the floor because he hurt Ben...pretty badly may I add, but we could use it to get information. Think about it.
Ben: W-what k-kind of inf-information...

Jeff eyes Ben and looks back at Slenderman and agrees to not kill him and takes Ben to their room.

Slenderman pulled Jeff away to talk to him about Ben and it would last for a least a half of a hour. So Ben sat on his bed unsure what to do so he just laid down until he heard the door open.

Ben: Jeff?
Ben's dad: Guess again

Ben's dad lets out an evil laugh and Ben is about to scream but Ben's dad somehow managed to get tape around Ben's mouth before he could. Then Ben's dad grabbed Ben's hands and taped them to a chair.

Ben's dad: I heard Sally's here~ where is she?
Ben: MMMM mfph ohm MMM!
Ben's dad: Oops sorry Guess I should take that off your mouth so you can talk!
Ben: You stupid b*tch I'll never tell you!
Ben's dad: then I guess we'll have to repeat last time.

Ben's dad Shrugs and put ms the tape back on Ben's mouth and removes his belt from his pants and forms it in a loop. Ben tries to gasp but the tape prevents him from doing so. Ben's dad slowly walks over to Ben. Tears start streaming from Ben's face and he wants to scream but...he can't. Ben's dad wraps the belt around Ben's neck and hold it tightly around his neck until he almost passes out. He removes all the tape and pushes him to the floor. Ben's on the ground panting, gasping for breath but still he can't manage to catch it.

Ben: *cough* I *cough cough* will never do that *cough* to Sally!
Ben's dad: Oh well guess I'll have find her myself! But first I'll take care of you!
Ben: If it protects Sally then I wouldn't care if you killed me!!!

Ben's dad grabs his belt and starts beating Ben to what seems for eternity. Then Ben passes out from the amount of damage that had been done to his body and was tied to the chair again. Ben's dad walks downstairs and stares at all the doors then finds one that says "Lazari and Sally" he opens the door and smiles creepily. Sally screams as loud as she possibly can. Nobody comes..

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