After party / Honeymoon

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We enjoy the rest of the relaxed party and then...It's after the party. Ben remained patient. About time he got his reward.

Continued Ben's POV (for now):
Finally. It's after the party. I want him inside me. Now. I've been patient but I don't think I can wait much longer. We're on the way to where we're going to be staying for the honeymoon. I grab at his belt but I obviously don't take it off but I play with it. Jeff is watching me do this. He grabs me by the neck and kisses me and I kiss back. However I run out of air quickly so I needed to take a break but Jeff didn't let go. I tapped his back so he would let go and he did. I gasped for air and panted while Jeff just smirks. I cover up my face a bit and he removed my arm.

Jeff: You got something there.

He wipes saliva from the corner of my mouth and kisses the spot he wiped. He continues to kiss all over my face and I can't help but smile a bit. I laugh a bit and he smiles. Thank god he is mine and thank god I'm his. Once we FINALLY arrive to the place we're staying I immediately thank the driver and grab Jeff and run. The place we're staying is beautiful. We can enjoy it later though.

Ben: Yes this place is beautiful but we can enjoy it later. Tonight I'm yours. Well. I'm forever yours now aren't I?
Jeff: Mhm~ You're fucking mine forever~

He grabs me by the hips and pulls me in to him. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He keeps placing small kisses but I let my hands trail down to his belt.

Ben: I think I've been patient enough.
Jeff: Yeah?
Ben: Yes. Please I've been your good boy for most of the time.
Jeff: Oh? Well there was the time in the bathroom...
Ben: Fuck. Yes I know but then I remained patient for the rest of the time.
Jeff: Mmm..look at my little patient good boy.
Ben: J-Jeff. Please..
Jeff: Don't worry your pretty little head off.~
Ben: Which one?
Jeff: Both. Baby...there's one question you have to answer before we fuck~
Ben: Hm?

He grabs me by the hips and he pulls me as close as he possibly can to him. He rests one arm on my back and uses the other to grab me by the chin. He laughs and smiles.

Jeff: Who do you belong to?
Ben: You. Only you.
Jeff: Only me?~
Ben: Only you. No one else. I'm completely yours. No one else's.
Jeff: Great~ will you wear this for me then?~

He hands me a choker with a little loop in the front for wear a leash could go. I notice there's something on the side of it and it says, "Jeff's boy" I put it on in front of a mirror and he smirks at me. He grabs the loop and pulls me toward him. He slams his lips against mine and kisses me roughly. He bites my bottom lip and it hurts a bit but I'm not complaining. I'm finally getting what I want.

Jeff: Tonight baby...You will never forget who you belong to...neither will anyone else around~
Ben: Just like how it should be. Everyone should know that I'm yours.
Jeff: Alright baby. I believe you deserve a reward~ don't you think so?
Ben: Yes I do. I've been your patient little boy for a long time.
Jeff: Mhm~ And you're going to have a long night.
Ben: Mmm that's not the long thing that I want though.

I grab at his belt and undo it. I get on my knees and began to suck him off. He grabs my hair and pushes his cock deeper into my throat. I choke a bit but take him anyway. I love when he's rough with me. He's got such a strong fucking grip. He takes my mouth off of him and grabs me by the chin.

Jeff: Can't let you have all the fun now can we? After belong to me.
Ben: Fuck you are so fucking hot. Please fucking be rough with me.
Jeff: Say less. Now tell me...who do you belong to again?

Before I can answer he slams into me and I practically scream.

Ben: A-AH~ F-Fuck! J-Jeff~ Mmm...
Jeff: What's my name again?
Ben: J-Jeff! Fuck A-Ah~
Jeff: That's right...Now let anyone else around know.
Jeff: Who?
Ben: JEFF! Ah~ fuck..fuck..fuck. M-master~

This goes on until Jeff gets a call. He asks me if I can be quiet for a little bit. I nod my head and decide I'll try my best but he made it clear he's not gonna stop. Which it's probably not gonna be easy because I usually don't have to hold back. Usually I can just scream as much as I need to. This will probably be the first time I actually have to hold back. Well shit.

Jeff: Hello.
Slenderman: Sorry to bother you but I ordered you a pizza so...expect someone to come over eventually.
Jeff: Any thing...else you need?

As he paused in the middle of his sentence he fucking roughly thrusted into me again. I tried holding back. Tried. I even put my hands over my mouth to try to at least muffle it and it worked a little bit but it still was loud. I feel Jeff give me a warning thrust and I smash my head into the bed and try not to be loud.

Slenderman: Nope. I just wanted to give you a warning.
Jeff: Well thanks but I'm a bit busy right now.
Slenderman: I know. Just expect for someone to interrupt you again.
Jeff: Can't I just fuck my husband in peace?
Slenderman: I'm gonna go now. Bye.

I hear the call end and I practically scream a moan. How do people hold themselves back? Jeff slams back into me and I moan loud and we get a knock on the door. Jeff sighs in anger then pulls out so he can answer the door. Before he goes to answer the door he gets something from the bag. I hear a buzzing sound and know exactly what he got.

Ben: Y-you brought that?
Jeff: Of course.

He puts the vibrator inside of me and wraps a towel around his waist. He goes to the door and answers it.

Jeff: For fucks sake I'm trying to fuck my husband.
Pizza guy: Uh well I have pizza for you..?
Jeff: Okay thanks.
Pizza guy: Uh well the other guy didn't give me money.
Jeff: Sucks I guess.
Pizza guy: uh well I'm gonna have to call the cops if you don't give me money.
Jeff: Oh well listen. I'm a very very wanted murderer so you can either live and not get paid or you can die.
Pizza guy: Yeah OK big guy. I'm not just gonna believe that.
Jeff: Ah so you're one of those types of guys. Well. Guess the world won't be missing you anyway. Let me go get my knife.

I see Jeff take the pizza and put it on the counter and then grab his favorite knife. He smiles at me and kisses me.

Jeff: Sorry baby I have to get a little messy tonight.
Ben: Okay.

He kisses me again and then the pizza guy starts yelling for him. He groans and goes back to the door.

Pizza guy: Listen bitch I'm gonna have to call the cops.
Jeff: No need.

I see Jeff grab him by the throat and drag him into the house we're staying at. He closes the door and throws the guy on the ground. He places his foot on the guy's chest. The guy starts having trouble breathing. Jeff smiles and says his lovely words he always says and stabs him and then gives him a smile just life Jeff's. Of course he could never amount to Jeff though.

Pizza guy: F-Fuck! Ow! Motherfucker!
Jeff: Sorry can't have you calling the cops pal.

Jeff laughs and then stabs the guy repeatedly. He ends of bleeding out on our floor. Jeff cleans everything up and then finally comes back to me. I laugh a bit and realize something. Jeff has the remote for the vibrator in his hand and he's...smirking. Oh no. He's gonna...

Ben: AH~ F-FUCK~
Jeff: Oh you saw that coming didn't you baby?~
Ben: M-Mhm- Ah- Ah- Fuck~
Jeff: listen about we continue where we left off hm?
Ben: P-pleaseeee

Jeff removes the vibrator and slams back into me. He slams so hard my mind starts going blank. How did I even manage to get here? I started off as a stupid little abused kid. Then I met my best friend, who turned into my boyfriend, to my fiancé, and then finally my husband. Jeff's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and now he will continue to be in my life forever. Forever mine. He makes my life so much better. I can't believe he loves someone like me. Out of everyone. Out of all the fish in the sea. Me. He I sure must be special for Jeff to pick me. There's probably a million people who love him but out of everyone he chose me. It's kind of hard to believe. Speaking of hard. My mind slips away and I feel myself start to pass out.

A/N: Sorry I posted this late. I've been very busy and I haven't been in the right place mentally recently. Sorry again. Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon! -Childishauthor

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