Let's talk about when I said I loved you

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Jeff: Ok...
Ben: First of all what do you think that I meant?
Jeff: I don't know really I thought it could be as a friend but the way you said it... it seemed like you wanted it to be more than friends
Ben: Ok...?
Jeff: what did you mean by it?
Ben: Lock the door...
Jeff: Ok???
Ben: it's so Slenderman doesn't appear out of nowhere.
Jeff: Yeah maybe that's a good idea
Ben: but I meant it as I love you...as a friend but also a crush.
Jeff: I-
Ben's POV
I said what I really meant about the "I love you" so he'd understand that I liked him more than a friend...I didn't give him time to respond. Instead I just got on his lap and kissed his lips it was short but I just thought to do it so I did. He was surprised and I was just there with my cheeks turning red. Very very red.

Ben: sorry
Jeff: it's fine...
Ben: do you like me back
Jeff: ...
Ben: Y-You k-kissed m-me!
Jeff: doesn't it answer your question?
Ben: Heh I love you little emo boy
Jeff: Emo boy? Ha!
Ben: hahaha
Jeff: Elf boy! Haha
Ben: hahaha
Jeff: hahahaha
Slenderman: is Ben alright Jeff?
Jeff: Yeah!
Ben: unlock the door now that that's over.
Jeff: Ok

Ben's POV
Jeff got up and unlocked the door then he came back to the bed.

Jeff: So do you want to see if you can walk?
Ben: Yes! Yes I Do!
Jeff: Heh ok!
Ben: I'm a little scared though...
Jeff: it's ok I'll help you. Like I did during the power outage! It might hurt a little bit but I'm here so it's ok!
Ben: Ok let's do this!

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