Will it happen again?!

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Sally: G- Get away!!! 
Ben's dad: don't you miss me?

While they're talking Ben slowly and very weakly gets up. However he can only crawl until he gets to the door. He tries to stand but his body keep clasping but  eventually he was strong enough to hold for awhile and get the door open. After he got the door open he immediately collapses again.
Ben wonders what to do since he knows he can't scream for Jeff since it'd just cause more trouble. He also knew that he probably couldn't even get a word out of his mouth. So he continued to crawl towards Sally's . He came to the stairs and lifted himself up the railing and down the stairs. Immediately when he gets down the stairs he collapses again but he pushes forward towards Sally's room and he finally reaches the door. He grabs onto the door knob slowly lifting himself up. When he finally gets up he slams the door open.

Ben: Ge-t a-away fr-from Her!
Ben's dad: What? Am I not allowed to see my niece?
Sally: Ben!
Ben: Come-here..Sally away..from him.
Ben's dad: Must you make this so difficult? Beatrix.
Ben: I told you to stop calling me that!
Ben's dad: I don't think I will Beatrix! After all you ARE a girl. You just think you're a boy!
Ben: I'm a boy that does "girly" things! There's nothing wrong—
Ben's dad: YES THERE IS!
Ben: *whispering* Run to Slenderman Sally tell him whatever he tried to do.
Ben's dad: You're such a disappointing....daughter.
Ben: I am not a girl! I have a di—
Ben's dad: Ahh Ah ah but you act like a girl and dress like a girl so you might as well be a girl.
Ben: $&>*#

Ben started glitching really badly until he fell down. Whenever he was super angry or super happy or just feeling any emotion strongly he glitched. Ben heard footsteps coming to the door he and looked behind him. Jeff was in the door frame standing there clueless but also full of anger. Jeff's eyes lower to Ben... He gets his knife out and slowly walks toward him, his speed gets faster he goes to cut him open- but he's held back by..

Heyyy!!!  Sorry it was a short chapter but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger so there you go! Sorry if you wanted it to go longer but I don't think I do cliffhangers that much so I wanted to give it a try. Anyway I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon! ~Childishauthor~

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