I've never seen him like this...

615 13 1

Eyeless jack: Jeff wipe your tears...he'll be ok.
Jeff: I'm going to my room...thanks...jack
Eyeless jack: ok see you later maybe.
Toby: woah dude...what just happened with him?
Eyeless jack: I don't know...
Toby: I've never seen him like that...
Eyeless jack: I have...but he wasn't the same
Toby: Huh?
Eyeless jack: After he had cut his face and murdered his parents...he came to us and he cried all night.
Toby: woah...*Twitch* frick...
Eyeless jack: Time for medicine.
Toby: no.
Eyeless jack: you're gonna be like this aren't you?
Toby: maybe~
Eyeless jack: ok then...
Toby: hehehe *twitch* hehe *twitch* hehe
Eyeless jack: I'm hungry...I'm gonna go eat some kidneys.
Toby: Ok kidney eater
Eyeless jack: ok ticci
Toby: hehe anyway...
Slenderman: Boys! Come help Ben!
Jeff: *RUNS*

Toby: *Trips* OW! JEFF!
Eyeless jack: Are you ok?
Jeff: I-I'm here
Slenderman: good.
Ben: H-hi J-Jeff!
Slenderman: now Ben see if you can come through the t.v.
Ben: I'm scared...it hurt when the power went out.
Slenderman: it's ok you can do whatever you want when you're out!
Ben: ok...
Ben reaches his hand out but pulls it back to himself
Ben: O-Ow!
Jeff: Ben! Are you ok?!
Ben: Jeff... I- it hurts
Jeff: I'll grab your hand help you through...
Ben: ...
Jeff: and after I'll hold you until your feeling good enough to be on your own.
Ben: ok
Ben reaches his hand out and Jeff grabs it he slowly pulls him out and Ben jumps on top of him
Ben: O-Ow...
Then there was just Ben, Jeff, and slender in the living room Ben was crying so was Jeff and slenderman decided to give them some time alone.

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