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Jeff: alright we're here
Ben: Ok?
Jeff:I'll help you through the window.
Ben: Thanks.
Jeff: now watch...heh
Ben: ok...
Floor: creeeek
Child: H-huh?
Jeff: hey kid.
Child: AH-
Jeff: shhh it's okay...
Child: you won't hurt me?
Jeff: of course not
Child: uh- ok?
Jeff: yeah kid.
Child: why are you here?
Jeff: I saw someone creeping around your house...
child: so...your helping me?
Jeff: Yeah.
Child: ok...
Jeff: I brought a knife just in case he comes in here.
Child: Um- ok...
Jeff: come on let's sneak out the window...
child: ok *walks by window*
Jeff: heh *STABS IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD* Go To Sleep~
Ben: *gasp*
Jeff: sorry if I scared you Ben
Ben: Heh it's fine
Jeff: your bleeding~
Ben: Wh-what?
Jeff: you got a little nosebleed~ heh
Ben: I-
Jeff: Ben let's just get back to the house.
Ben: I-

Ben's POV
Jeff had just freaking killed a bunch of people and JDJALXB HE WINKED AT ME! Then he slowly LICKED the blood off the knife! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO FRICKING HOT! THEN HE BRIDE STYLE CARRIED ME OUT OF THE HOUSE AND BROUGHT ME BACK TO THE HOUSE! Ugh I love him so much! he loves it when I'm flustered which I think is a little annoying because he calls me cute but I love it at the same time!

Jeff's POV
Ben got so flustered! It was so cute! I love him so much he is the greatest little boyfriend ever! We could be great partners in crime. He could come through the tv with items from a video game and I just sneak through the window and then team up on them. But we'll need to work on his big fear of the pain and the tv. He was so scared after he came out of the tv...he was on top of me hugging me when he came out. But he was shaking...we knew that it hurt him but we weren't 100% sure how bad it actually hurt because he could barely talk and we didn't want him to use his voice too much. He's still kinda in pain but he says that the pain isn't that bad anymore but we can't tell if he's telling the truth because he's really good at hiding things. But I'm gonna try talking to him tonight and see if he'll talk to me about it.

Ben's POV
Jeff said earlier in the night that he wanted to talk to me but I was so tired because it was literally 3:00 AM! But if he needs to talk with me I will stay awake. He came to my room and sat down.

Jeff: hey Ben
Ben: hey
Jeff: what's your plan with the tv?
Ben: I...
Jeff: you know for getting back in the t-
Ben: I know I know it's just...something seems off when I go near the tv.
Jeff: ok what about your pain?
Ben's thinking: I hate to lie to you but I don't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry Jeff.
Jeff: 1-10?
Ben: Jeff it's really not bad! I feel fine! I'm okay you don't need to worry.
Jeff's thinking: Ugh I cant tell if he's lying or not...
Ben: Jeff...I'm fine I don't like you worrying. You don't need to worry over nothing!
Jeff: Ok...Can I have a kiss?
Ben's thinking: I can barely move because of the pain but...I love you so heh whatever.
Jeff: pleas-
Ben: *Kisses Jeff on the cheek*
Jeff: Uh-
Ben: You asked for it.
Jeff: I-
Slenderman: Go to bed boys it's 3:27 AM!
Jeff: Yeah ok slender.
Slenderman: okay Jeffery
Jeff: piece of shi-

Jeff's POV
Ben literally just fell asleep on me and it is so adorable! I realized that his clothes got a little chopped off but his clothes are super short so he's gonna have to be careful. Then I remembered something...it's Ben's birthday on Wednesday it's Monday today. I'll tell slender in the morning...well more like 8:00 am? It's already morning but everyone is sleeping. Except for me. Well I should go to bed...Night Ben❤️.

In the Morning
Jeff: Hey Slender
Slenderman: what?
Jeff: Ben's birthday is on Wednesday
Slenderman: Ooh- I haven't celebrated a birthday in awhile!
Jeff: I want to make it special...

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