Wedding time.

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3rd person POV:
With that Jeff falls asleep happier than ever about his wedding and Ben cries happy tears next to him remembering every moment he had with Jeff.  Both fall asleep happy to be with each other and excited for the steps going forward in life.

Ben's POV:
I wake up with pretty bad stomach pains but it's probably just because I'm nervous for today. I mean this is the first wedding I've ever been to. The first wedding I have ever been to is going to be my own wedding. This is all crazy to think about. I swear just yesterday Jeff was in my bedroom and I was telling him I loved him. Now I have a child with him and I'm getting married. I...ME. I am getting married. I've dreamed of getting married to him for so long.'s actually happening. This all seems like some kind of fairytale or a dream. Something this wonderful is happening to me..? How? Why? It doesn't matter why though. I get to marry Jeff. I can finally call him fully mine. Nina won't get him. LuLu won't get him. No. I get to have him. This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me other than Jenna being born. I love them both so much. I feel like I've calmed down but the stomach pains haven't gone away. Strange. It would absolutely suck if I got sick on my wedding day. My stomach really hurts. It's probably better to just brush it off and get ready for the wedding. The wedding is at noon. Hopefully it will go away by then.

Jeff: are you okay love?
Ben: Hm? Oh. Yeah. yeah I'm okay.
Jeff: Wedding jitters?
Ben: Y-yeah. It's kind of hard to believe. I felt like it was just yesterday we were awkwardly talking about how we loved each other.
Jeff: Yeah. It's crazy. I knew when I met you that you would be special to me but I didn't think we would end up where we are today. Not that I don't like it. I love how we are.
Ben: My stomach kinda hurts Jeff.
Jeff: Are you sick, love?
Ben: I'm not sure. It's been hurting since I woke up.
Jeff: Well we could go to the nurse and see if you're sick if you want.
Ben: N-no we need to get ready for the wedding.
Jeff: Alright love. I'm not allowed to see you for a few hours. Will you be okay?
Ben: I should be fine. If I get anxious I'll text you.
Jeff: Alright. Bye love. See you at the wedding.
Ben: Okay. Bye Jeff love you.

Jeff walks away to get in the car with all the other guys and get ready. I get to get ready with all the girls because I am technically the bridesmaid. I'm not wearing a dress though. I'm wearing a suit. Sally of course is the lovely flower girl. Liu is Jeff's best man. (A/n: I don't know a lot about weddings so forgive me if there's missing roles.) I also found out that Slenderman would be walking me down the isle because I don't really have a father who can walk me down and Slenderman kind of is that father figure in my life. I get in the car with the rest of the girls that are attending my wedding so we can get ready too. I'm so excited but the stomach pains are only getting worse. I'm sure it will be fine though. They're probably just butterflies or wedding jitters. I'm sure everything will be fine. I get to the place where we're getting married at and there's specific rooms for people who are getting married to change in. I change into my suit and I see Sally in her dress.

Ben: Sally. You look so grown up I'm so proud!
Sally: Thanks! You also look very lovely.
Ben: I'm going to cry you look so grown up.
Sally: Don't cry! Also you might need some makeup to cover up those bruises!
Ben: Bruises?
Sally: Yeah! The ones on your neck and thighs?
Ben: OH! Yeah! Right! I'll make sure to take care of that! Haha.
Sally: Why is your face so red? Did I miss something?
LuLu: Sally! Come put your dress on!
Sally: Ok! Sorry Ben I have to go get ready!
Ben: No no it's fine!

I mouth "thank you" to LuLu and she nods. I can't believe that just happened. Sally thinks they're bruises. Oh my god. My face is so red right now! I have to tell Jeff about what just happened.

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