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Previously: I get up and clean everything up and I take a shower. I get dressed and see Ben sleeping. I lay next to him and we cuddle together until both me and Ben are asleep.

Jeff's POV:
I was getting ready before a thought came across my head. Should I propose to Ben? I know he's told me that he's thought about when we're married and have a little family. I also thought about it a couple times and it always makes me smile. A life with a gamer as a husband. It would be so nice to have. I wonder what our wedding would be like. Who would we invite. I know the nurse wrote down the things he imagined about a proposal when he was in his "coma" state. I decide I'll go talk to her after I'm finished. So I can start planning the perfect proposal for him. After I finished getting ready I head down to see the "nurse".

Jeff: Heyyy
Nurse: Hello Jeff. What brings you here?
Jeff: You remember when Ben went into a coma and you brought me into the mindscape and he was talking about what he imagined our proposal would be?
Nurse: Yes I do remember. Do you want the notes I took for what he imagined?
Jeff: Yes that's why I'm here. I'm thinking about proposing to him.
Nurse: AHHH JEFF IM SO EXCITED!!! Sorry sorry I'll be a little quieter.
Jeff: Yeah that'd be helpful because we don't need Ben finding out!
Nurse: Sorry. I'll be quieter. Anyways I'll go get my notes.
Jeff: alright thanks.

The "nurse" comes back with the notes and I scan over them to see things like, " Under or by a cherry blossom tree, next to a beautiful sunset, and next to a pretty fountain." All these things make it look like a beautiful scene. I thank the nurse one last time and turn to go talk to Slender. I walk up to his office and (for once) knock. He opens the door and if he had eyebrows I swear they would be raised.

Slenderman: Jeff? You actually knocked for once. Anyways come in.
Jeff: Yeah yeah.
Slenderman: Anyway what did you come here for?
Jeff: Well...try not to scream.
Slenderman: Ok....
Jeff: I'm thinking about proposing to Ben.

I hear him holding back a scream of excitement. I sort of laugh at him for doing this. I hand him the notes about what Ben would want for a proposal.
He'd be smiling right now if he had a mouth for sure. He nods his head as he reads through the list.

Slenderman: I'll see what I can do to help set it up. Now go back to Ben. Don't want him freaking out because you're not there.

I nod my head and make my way towards our room. Surprisingly when I walk in Ben's still sleeping. I guess I'll just shower to pass the time.

Ben's POV:

I slowly wake up. I can hear the shower running. I look next to me and I see Jeff's gone. I'm guessing he's the one in the shower. I don't know how he always gets up before me. I feel like he would be the one to sleep in a little but I guess not. The shower just turned off so Jeff should be coming out soon.

Jeff's POV:
I turn the shower off and dry myself off. I put on my pants. I don't really feel like putting on a shirt yet so I just dry my hair with the towel. I walk out of the bathroom and I see Ben's awake now. He slept longer than usual.

Ben: Morning.
Jeff: Morning love.

I walk over to him and kiss his forehead.

Ben: What's with you? Why are you so lovey dovey this morning?
Jeff: You're just so pretty. Anyway. You feeling alright love?
Ben: Yes. Why do you ask?
Jeff: You slept longer than you usually do.
Ben: Oh I just had one of those nights where you keep waking up.
Jeff: Alright love.

I tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear and he jolts.

Ben: Not the ears! Mm. Sorry. They're really sensitive.
Jeff: Is that so?
Ben: Jeff I swear to god. We just did it last night you horny tornado.
Jeff: I'm aware. Can't I just get a little kiss though?
Ben: ...fine...

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