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Ben's POV:
He laughs then picks me up and sets me down on the bed. It's kinda strange how easily he can pick me up. I look to see who's at the door because Jeff answered it. I look and see it's...Nina.

Ben's POV:
What...the...hell... is she doing here? She fucking came back? I don't care if I can't walk she can't have my Jeff. He's mine. I am his. I get up and attempt to walk towards the door and surprisingly I'm successful with a few stumbles here and there. I almost reach her but of lover pulls me by the waist and pulls me towards him. I would protest but I can feel his breath on my ears. Did I not tell this guy that they're sensitive? Oh well. Not the time. I need to get to her. Maybe punch her in the face. Maybe rip that stupid bow out of her hair. Maybe stab her. Anything to keep her away from my Jeff. I try to escape but I forget how strong of a grip Jeff has.

Jeff: Love. Settle down will you?
Ben: Never. Not when she's here. Let me at her.
Nina: Don't worry~ I only want Ben.

I stop squirming around and Jeff's grip gets ten times more hard and I wince a little bit still hurting from the events earlier. I look up at him and he's glaring with the eyes that always say, "I'm thirsty for murder and you are the victim." I love when he does this. I love when he does anything really. Not the time. Not the time.

Jeff: Sorry. He's mine. I'm not letting you have him that easy. No. I'm just not gonna let you have him at all. He's mine and only mine.
Nina: All I want is to have a talk~
Ben: I don't care get the fuck away.
Nina: Aw is that a very kind way to talk? Careful. Me and Jeffy might punish you~
Ben: I don't care if Jeff punishes me or not. You are not allowed to even come near me. Get the fuck away.
Jeff: There is not me and jeffy. Nina I never loved you. I never will. My heart belongs to Ben.
Nina: Maybe if I just...

Nina pushes Jeff away and comes closer to me and licks my ear. I shiver and, of course, a moan manages to slip out. She smiles and laughs. She does it again and I can feel the situation getting worse.

Nina: See he loves me~!

She reaches up my shirt and touches my does she know all of my sensitive spots..? I don't care. I want her off me. Jeff...Please help. I don't want to be touched by her...

Nina: See how he's whimpering just for me~?
Ben: S-stop! P-please stop! I don't like you! P-please stop touching me!

I realize why Jeff couldn't help me. She had pushed him and he hit his head. I start to cry. I just want her off me. I only want Jeff. Not her. Please just end this all already. She topples me to the ground. She turns and locks the door. Fear settles in. She gave the same look my father did. I start hyperventilating. Please. Not again. Get off off me! Get off! I cry harder and harder. She undoes both of mine and Jeff's pants and pulls them off. She finds rope somehow and ties Jeff up. She ties his hands behind his back. There's no escaping now. I can't defend myself. She gets on top of me and starts jerking me off. I scream. I just want her to stop. I look over and Jeff is crying now...I'm sorry. She starts sucking me off. Everything is so sensitive. God damn it. Obviously whimpers and moans come out of me. I want to do something. Punch her. But the strength I felt a few moments earlier is gone now. I only felt strong when I was fighting for Jeff. Wait. Just pretend I'm fighting for Jeff. I can do it for Jeff. I shove her off me and back up.

Nina: Oh? Do you not like that..? Maybe I should...touch you where it's sensitive again.

She comes closer and starts rubbing my nipples again. Drool and tears run down my face. I try to fight back but my body gives in because it's still tired from the events that took place before she showed up. I want to fight but I can't. It's happening again. I'm too weak once again. I'm so worthless. Couldn't fight the first time it happened. Can't fight this time. I'm sorry Jeff. You have to watch this. I look over at Jeff and I see he's trying to cut the rope with his knife. I just hope he gets out soon. Save me Jeff. Please.

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