The plan

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Previously: We cuddle until we both fall asleep. The entire time I'm sleeping all I can dream about is Ben. The love of my life. I dream about our wedding and how pretty it will be. Ben will be mine forever and I'll be his forever.

Jeff's pov:
I wake up and Ben is hugging close to my chest. He's clinging so tight onto me. I kiss his forehead and he started slowly waking up.

Jeff: Love.
Ben: Hm?
Jeff: Morning love.
Ben: Mmmm.
Jeff: Don't feel like waking up yet?
Ben: ...can we cuddle for a little longer...?
Jeff: of course love. Anything for you.

He scoots in closer to me. His face is buried in my chest. I keep kissing his head until I hear him giggle.

Ben: Jeff stop. What's with you? You're so lovey dovey lately.
Jeff: Maybe I'm just getting better at expressing my love for you.
Ben: Definitely. I just didn't expect it I guess. Not that I don't like it.
Jeff: You're adorable.

He smiles and this time he's only blushing a little bit. He's gotten kind of used to me calling him nicknames. I hug him until I get a message from slender.

Jeff: I'll be right back. Slender wants to talk to me.
Ben: Did you do something to get in trouble?
Jeff: I don't know
Ben: Well have fun.
Jeff: Okay I'll see you in a bit.

I walk out of the room and head towards slender's office. I know exactly what he needs me for but obviously I couldn't tell Ben that. He wants to talk about the plan. The plan for proposing to Ben. Honestly I don't know how he got a plan together so quickly but I'm not that surprised because he always plans the plans  in this mansion. I get to the office and shut the door. I sit at a chair at his desk.

Slenderman: So we found a private spot that we can rent so that no one else will see you guys. It has a fountain, cherry blossom trees, and the sun will be on the left. The sun sets around 6:00. You just need to find a date to do it. You also need to get him to go with you without knowing what's going to happen.
Jeff: That should be easy enough. I think I have something in mind anyway. He'll also would do almost anything to spend more time with me. I don't think it should be too hard.
Slenderman: Alright. So what's the date you want to do it on?
Jeff: I was thinking November 25. On Jenna's birthday.
Slenderman: That's in 2 days. Also is Jenna turning 1?
Jeff: Yeah she is. Kinda hard to believe. LuLu taught her how to walk. It was super cute.
Slenderman: Oh she's so adorable. I love kids.
Jeff: Yep. Speaking of kids I should check on her and also get back to Ben as soon as I can because he's gonna think you killed me.
Slenderman: Alright have fun Jeff but before you go I was wondering if I can visit Jenna at some point today.
Jeff: Of course. You can visit her anytime.
Slenderman: Hooray! Alright you can go now.

I open the door and I see clockwork waiting outside. I slip past her and start walking towards
Jenna's room. I open the door to Jenna's room and I see Ben rocking her in his arms. I walk over to him and kiss him on the forehead. He smiles and hands me Jenna.

Ben: welcome back. Why were you gone for so long?
Jeff: He was telling me to clean out my old beer bottles. He also just wanted to know how Jenna is doing.
Ben: She's grown so much. She has your hair.
Jeff: Somehow she has red eyes like you.
Ben: She's so beautiful. I can't wait for her to grow up.
Jeff: I'm glad babies can't remember the first few years of their life.
Ben: She would think we're such bad parents if she could remember.
Jeff: Yeah.
Ben: Gosh.
Jeff: I'm hungry. I'm going to go cook something.
Ben: Alright I'll wait in the living room.

Ben's POV:
I carry Jenna down to the living room and sit on the couch with her. I look around the room and I see Ticci Toby, Slenderman, And clockwork in the room. I notice Ticci Toby walking over to me. Obviously some dumb shit is about to go down. So far he's just teasing me. I can tell it's upsetting Jeff though. Toby scoots closer to be and Jeff pulls his knife out. It cut his smile because he took it out too quickly. It starts bleeding and he looks really angry now. Shit. His PTSD is about to make him real pissed.

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