Beating the sh*t out of LJack

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Slenderman: Alright go hit the piñata.
LJack: I don't deserve this! Sally and Lazari do!
Lazari: *gets out hammerfist*
Jeff: This is gonna be so entertaining! Hahaha!
Toby: Yeah!
Eyeless jack: I'm not going to be participating because I already have kidneys but I'll watch.
Ben: Hehehehe this is gonna be great. I've waited so long for this moment!

LuLu's POV
I saw Lazari Take LJack with her hammerfist up the stairs and then throw him down the steps. Then I see Sally on top of his head and she tries to bend his nose and it doesn't bend but I could tell it hurt. Then Toby just started annoying him. But he wasn't allowed to resist or fight back so he just dealt with it. I just left and headed towards my room.

Jeff's POV
LJack was getting the sh*t beat out of him and me and Ben were just dying of laughter. It was great and hilarious until LJack fought back-

LJack: DA*N YOU KIDS! *picks Sally up by her shirt* I AM F*CKING DONE WITH YOU KIDS! *throws Sally*
Jeff: LJack! WTF?!
LJack: *leaves*
Sally: *crying* O- Ow! It hurts!
Ben: Omg omg omg Sally are you ok?! *crying*
Slenderman: Jeff get the first aid!
Jeff: Already got it!
Slenderman: Bring it here!
Ben: *Cries harder*
Slenderman: Can you deal with Ben... 
Jeff: Yeah
Ben: *Runs to Jeff*
Jeff: I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride to your room.
Ben: *Settles down a bit*

        Slenderman's POV
Oh poor Sally's head! It's bleeding so much. Good thing Jeff got the first aid and also took care of Ben. Gosh it's been such a long time I don't think I remember Sally and Ben being cousins. If that's the case I wonder if Sally was r*ped before Ben drowned? But that's not what I need to pay attention to right this moment. I need to pay attention to Sally.

LuLu: I heard about what happened is she ok!?
Slenderman: That question is for Sally to answer.
Sally: I'm ok.
LuLu: Oh thank goodness.
Sally: Want to play after I'm all fixed up?
LuLu: Of course! We could play dress up!
Sally: Yea! And with Ben!
LuLu: Heh ok Sally !
Sally: I'm going to put Ben in a cute maid outfit! Jeff will think Ben looks so pretty!
LuLu: I uh-
Slenderman: Ok we can do that later but for now just rest a little.
Sally: Aw ok.
Bp: Hi sorry I haven't been hanging out with you guys lately.
Slenderman: Oh that's alright Helen. Honestly a bunch of bad things just went down just now.
Bp: like what?
Slenderman: LJack threw Sally and she hit her head and it started bleeding and then Ben started having a panic attack and it wasn't good.
Bp: Oh my goodness is everyone ok?!
Slenderman: Yes Sally is already ready to play again and Ben is with Jeff so he's probably fine.
Bp: what?
Slenderman: Oh right you don't know yet!
Bp: wh-
Slenderman  Ben and Jeff are dating.
Bp: Aw that's so cute!

            Later at 6:00pm
Ben: Uh- Uh- s-Sally?
Sally: Bennnnn shhhh Jeff will think your so pretty in the dress!
Bp: I'll go get him hehehe!
Lazari: Sally Jeff's gonna think he's so pretty! *laughing*

Heyyyyy it's me again da author just want to say a few things. First BP stands for bloody painter if you don't know who that is...Idk look him up but anyways also I will try to work on as many chapters as I can but I have school so it might take awhile

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