Don't fucking touch him

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Liu: I know what you did last summer.
Jeff: ah I get it.
Liu: Gross.
Jeff: Yeah I don't feel like anyone should be smiling when they think about someone else...
Liu: Dear lord shut up.
Jeff: Ok haha anyway I have to go now. Ben will freak if he wakes up alone.
Liu: have fun.


I walked upstairs and make sure Ben is still sleeping but I don't see him in the bed. I panic rushing downstairs and run around the mansion until I see him in Sally's room and he's staring at the spot where I got knocked out. I approach him but slender grabs my shoulder stopping me. I stop realizing he's glitching and I move Slender's arm off my shoulder and pick Ben up. I hold him and his face looks traumatized. I take him back upstairs to rest as we cuddle to sleep.

The next day I wake up and and just lay there staring at the ceiling. I want to go places just like when I was younger but with a cut as beautiful as mine leaving a permanent smile is probably not the most settling. Not only that but Ben doesn't even have eyes and there's permanent blood dripping down his eyes. Which last time we went out it didn't go well and we got banned from Apple Bees. I look over to Ben and it seems like his breathing is getting quicker. I turn over to him and tap his arm lightly trying to wake him up.

Jeff: Ben. Ben wake up.

Ben shot up out of bed panicking. I grab him into a tight hug and telling him that it will be ok. As I feel his body relax I start to loosen my grip on him. He takes my hand back around him and cries in my chest. I grab him harder and hug him back. We sit there for a few minutes until he's completely still and calm.

Jeff: I promise I'll be here forever.
Ben: thank you Jeff I love you so much.
Jeff: Love you too Ben.

We lay back down and cuddle each other until we hear Slenderman call everyone down. We get up and head downstairs to see what he wants. When we get downstairs we see LuLu, EJ, Sally, and Lazari already there. We both sit down next to LuLu and EJ. Slowly see everyone come to the table. Then Slenderman starts speaking.

Slenderman: Ok so today we are going to have a family game day.
LJack: The fuck is that?
Slenderman: Something you shouldn't be cussing at.
LJack: Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.
Ben: But yeah what IS it?
Slenderman: We're going to play games like truth or dare to build up trust. If we do play truth or dare there's not going to be inappropriate questions. Got it?
Everyone: Yep
Slenderman: Great! This is gonna be fun!
EJ: What if they prove that we can't trust him or her...or them.
Slenderman: At least we know then. Ok let's start!
Sally: Wait. Why are we playing the game if most of us already trust each other?
Slenderman: There could be things you didn't know about others.
Sally: Like what?
Slenderman: Well let's find out! Who wants to ask the first question?
Lazari: Oh! oh! Can I?
Slenderman: Yeah go for it!
Lazari: Um...who here cusses when slendyman isn't around.

Me, Ljack, ticci Toby, and Ben raise our hands.

Slenderman: I'm not even surprised.
(Btw this is Jeff's POV)
Ben: I don't cuss a lot unless it's like I'm in pain like when I stubbed my toe the other day. That hurt.
Jeff: You told me to kill the chair then I ended up getting hurt too.
Ben: Yeah well that's your fault because you kicked it like a moron. Nothing that you kick is gonna die.
Jeff: If I kicked a baby or a child they would.
Slenderman: ok well that's something we didn't need to know about.
Ben: it still happened.
Sally: I'm not that surprised. I've seen you do it before.
Slenderman: when?
Sally: before we died. He's my cousin. His dad is the one who you know...
Ben: I'm glad we killed him.
Sally: Me too he did too much to you and me.
Slenderman: What did he do to Ben?
Ben: Oh...I um. Uhh.

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