Don't tell anyone!!!

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                Ben's POV
I told Jeff that I loved him but SLENDERMAN came out of nowhere and was like "OoOoOoOo" I don't know what to do or say but he CANNOT tell anyone! I don't want anyone to know!

Ben: Don't tell anyone! Please!
Toby: Don't tell anyone what?
Slenderman: Anyway time for dinner...JACK! it's dinner ti-
E.J: yeah I know I smell the box of kidneys...
Toby: Oooo why is Jeff in your room Ben?
Jeff: Oh go f*ck yourself
Slenderman: Jeff.
Jeff: sorry sorry I won't curse.
Toby: Pff sure you won't last a second!
Slenderman: BOYS!
Ben: Jeff it's not worth it...prove him wrong. That's worth a lot hehehehe!
Jeff: Fine but I'm carrying you again!
Ben: I. CAN. WALK!!!
Jeff: *picks Ben up* Yeah oh well.
Ben: hmph
Jeff: heh
Ben: I can walk
Jeff: but I won't let you.
Ben: Why?!?!
Slenderman: Just put him down.
Jeff: No *walks to the dinner table* There sit down.
Ben: thanks?
Jeff: *sits next to Ben*
Toby: Sally! Lazari! It's dinner time!
Lazari: is it humans or fruit?
E.j: It's different for everybody. 
Slenderman: Yeah I'm eating a child, Jeff is finding something to eat, Ben is eating something, Jack is eating kidneys, and Toby is eating steak.
Lazari: I want a banana smoothie!
Slenderman: ok I'll get one for you little Lazari and sally what do you want?
Sally: I want hmm... a strawberry smoothie!!!
Slenderman: ok
Jeff: I found pizza
Ben: Ooh can I have some?
Jeff: Sure.
Sally: Ben and Jeff have been hanging out with each other lately a lot haven't they?
Toby: Yep you're right Sally
Jeff: I'm not deaf Incase you don't know.
Slenderman: Jeff could you be a little bit kinder?
Toby: Yeah Jeff.
Slenderman: You too Toby
Ben: Yeah that troublemaker list is pretty accurate.
All: Hahahaha
Slenderman: It is actually very accurate. Jeff IS the biggest troublemaker.
Ben: for sure.

                Ben's POV
All of us were heading to bed
if we weren't already. But before I could sleep I had to tell Slenderman to not tell anyone about what he heard earlier.

Ben: Don't tell anyone please...about..what you heard earlier?
Slenderman: Ok Ben get some sleep.
Ben: Ok I'll try.
Slenderman: Ok goodnight Ben.
Ben: goodnight.

   In the middle of the night
Ben: *wakes up screaming*
Jeff: Ben?! *runs upstairs*
Slenderman: *hears Jeff running towards Ben's room* what?-
Jeff: Ben wh- why are you crying?! What happened?!
Slenderman: Jeff calm down...Ben what happened?

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