Chapter 7

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Hey guys so here Chapter 7 hope u like jt and sorry I took so long to update.

Tabby's p.o.v

So after about an hour and a half we all agreed that we done and we were all hungry for lunch. So we pack up and drive to McDonald's down the road a few blocks away from the water park. After I order Renee, Dani's, and mine food I start to get my debit card out Niall comes up and slides his before I can slide mine. I look at him and he is just smiling. Then he just walk away from me, oh he can not just do that to me. "Hey Niall can I talk to you outside for a sec" "yeah sure" so I walk outside of McDonald's and wait for him to get out there. So I'm leaning against the wall and then out of the corner of my eye I see Niall lean up against the wall also, I spoke up and say "why did you do that??" "Cause I was being nice" "yeah but I had enough money to pay for me,Renee, and Dani tho" "yeah but I don't like it when girls pay, when you guys have 5 guys that could buy you food" aww he's sweet "yeah but I can buy my own food tho I do it all the time too" "well with me around that's not going to happen anyway" "well I'm not letting you do that I am very capable of buying myself food" "you are going to have to deal with Tabby weather you like it or not" "oh yeah" "yeah" "still not letting you" "oh yes you are" "oh no I'm not" "yes you are" I go to agrue back but then Niall leans down and started to kiss me. After a couple of seconds I start to kiss back I feel Niall smile and then he pulled away. I was still stocked tho. I hear Niall say "Will you be my girlfriend Tabby??" I say "yes but don't tell the others yet cause it's to early" "ok I won't" then we hug and he pecks me on the lips. I say "you wanna trick the others???" "Of course" "okay then we are going to act like we mad at each other when we go back inside I'm going to go in and then you wait a minute and then you come in and we look at each other and go different directions" "ooo your good" "haha i know right and let's do this"

Renee p.o.v

I hear the door open and see Tabby walk in and I can tell she's mad. A minute later Niall walks back in and he looks mad also. They take one look at each other and go different directions away from each other. I look at Zayn and tell him "go talk to Niall and see what's wrong" he nods and I walk over to Tabby and sit down across from her. "You ok?" "No" "tell me what's wrong?" "I rather not talk about it" "okay do you want your food then??? "No I'm not hungry anymore" I already she was going to say that so I just walked back to the group and sit down. Liam ask "She ok love??" "She will be just give a few and she will calm down" "ok". Zayn then walks back over with Niall behind him and we all look at them. Niall speaks up and saids "where my food??" Then Zayn gives his tray full of food and Niall takes it and then said "where Tabby's and why isn't she eating it???" They all look at me "she won't eat when she mad or upset" then Niall see the tray with food on it and picks it up and walks over to Tabby and sets it down in front of her and then he sits down across from her. She looks at her food and then at Niall who is stuffing his face. She looks away from him and back out the window. She puts headphones in and starts listening to music. I go up to the counter and ask for a big bag to put Tabby's food in. They give me one and I walk over and put her food in it. I tap her shoulder and put my hand out she looks at me. I mouth to her "keys". She hands me the keys and then I mouth to her let's go and she nods her head and gets up and walks outside. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and see Laim and he says "here let me see the keys and I'll talk to her" "ok here" "thank you" I nod and he walks out and gets into her vehicle and starts pulls out of McDonald's.

Liam's p.o.v

I get into Tabby vehicle and start the vehicle and pull out of McDonald's. I was trying to see if I could get her to talk. I know she hiding something and not really mad. "Hi Liam why are driving my vehicle I thought Renee was going to" "I told her to let me so I could talk to you" "oh ok so what you wanna talk to me about?" "I know you're not really mad at Niall" "how do you know that??" "Because I had to go to the bathroom and saw you two outside arguing and then he kisses you" "ok you caught it" "haha I know it was all a act which by the way you did a good job on cause they believe you were mad" "it's easy for me to fool people" "haha now I can tell" "so where are we going?" "I'm taking you to see a friend of mine" "who's your friend" "that my dear is a surprise" I hear mumble over breath something and then she started texting Niall haha yep he will ask her out soon if he hasn't already. I know Niall so yeah. I pull into the hotel where we are staying at, I think her friend is staying here too if he hasn't already left that is. I hear Tabby say "Can we visited Hunter for a few minutes" "yeah sure" "thanks" "welcome" so we walk into the elevator and go to Hunter floor which happens to be the same floor Ed Sheeren is on, that's who I'm taking her to see. I know she loves him cause she has a lot of music of his plus Ed wanted to meet the elevator/club girl we didn't know her name yet okay. Anyway we visited Hunter I just sit on the couch why Tabby and Hunter talks for a couple of minutes and then they say "goodbye Tabby" "goodbye Hunter" "I'll call you later or text you when I'm home" "ok have a safe trip home" "I will Liam driving" haha yeah that I am. So we walk out and Ed looks like he about to go back inside his Hotel Room when I say "Hey Ed" he looks up to see me "oh hey Liam, wanna come in?" "yeah hey Tabby come on" "coming" I see hear hug Hunter one more time, and hear her say "love you best friend" "love you too talk to you later" "okay" she comes over and we walk inside of Ed Room and she doesn't know it yet and Ed comes out from the Kitchen and she freezes on the spot "hey Liam is she okay?" "Yeah she a big fan of yours and she always wanted to meet you" "how do you know her?" "this is Tabby the one I was telling you about we meet in the elevator and she sang at the club" "oh ok well Tabby it's nice to meet you" "OMG you're Ed Sheeran you're my favorite artist in the whole wide world" "thank you Tabby" "it's so cool to actually get to meet you in person" "it's nice to meet you to" "thanks Liam I really needed this you're a good friend" "you're welcome love". I hear Ed say "hey Tabby why don't you sing a song for us" "well I don't know" "oh c'mon I play the tune to Thinking Out Loud for you and me and you can sing it together" "okay sure I will" "alright" I get to hear her sing again" "hey Ed do you have a piano?" "Yeah over here why?" "Cause I can play it on Piano" "oh ok well c'mon and we'll play it" she sits down on the brench and starts to play I guess to warm up a bit. "Hey Tabby can Liam record it" "yeah sure as long as he didn't show the others guys or no one and he has to send it to me and you no one else got it Liam" I nod and start recording it and after they were done I stop the recording and say "great job" "thanks" "thanks bro" "welcome you 2, Tabby we should get going now" "ok well it was nice meeting you Ed in real life" "you too and hey Tabby here's my number and you can text me anytime I'll be here to help" "well thanks again bye" "bye guys" we walk out and go back down stairs and get into the car and Tabby saids "thanks Liam I needed that you're a awesome friend" "you're welcome Tabby" "send me that Video tho" "ok I'm sending it now" "ok I got it" "ok" so I take Tabby home and when I get there the guys are still here they were waiting for me and we leave and go back to the hotel and I'm going to lay down its been a long day plus we are going to the theme park later and only me and Tabby know about it.

Well I hope u enjoyed the Chapter!!!!



- Tabby

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