Chapter 13

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Dani's p.o.v

Hunter shows up at my aunt's house and picks me up I pack some clothes first and we head to the airport and wait for the flight to London to get call. After the call the flight we board and wait for the plane to take off.

******few hours later******

Ed's p.o.v

Tabby's phone starts ringing so I look at the caller is and it's Hunter and I answer it before Tabby wakes up "Hello" "Hi" "oh Ed umm me and Dani are here in London and I'm getting a Taxi to the Hospital but I don't know wat hospital" so I'll tell him "ok will be there soon" "ok I'll met you at the entrance than" "ok that would be great" "ok see you soon" "see ya" I hung up and wait about 10 minutes and walk to the Entrance and wait about 5 minutes when I seen a guy and a girl walk in. They seem me and walk over "Ed?" "Yeah so you must be the lovely other best friend?" "Yeah that's me does she really talk about me that much?" "Yeah kinda but I'm pretty sure that she talks about me just as much" "you have no idea" "and you must be the lovely younger sister" "yeah that's me and can we go see her now please?" "Yeah we can." "We get to the room and I stop and say "wait here and I'll let her that you're here" "ok" and Dani just nodded. So I go in and Tabby is still asleep and I shake her a little and see opens her eyes "Dani & Hunter are here" she nods and I walk over to the door open it and they walk in.

Tabby's p.o.v

Hunter and Dani walk in. They are the only people besides Ed now that know how I got my scars on my stomach "come here and give me a hug I've missed both of you" Dani walks over and hugs me but carefully and same with Hunter. They hangout with to visiting hours are over and Ed is letting them stay at his flat and he is staying here with me how sweet of him. He is the best friend in the whole wide world besides Hunter. "I'll be back Tabby I'm going to grab a extra pair of clothes from my flat and stop by the guys flat to let them know how you're doing and then I'll be back up here" "Okay but you don't have to stay tho" "well I want to and you are just going to have to deal with it" "Okay" so they leave and then my phone starts ringing and it's Louis. I answer the phone "Hello" "Tabby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" "Louis it's Okay I know you didn't and I didn't used to cut but I'll explain later what happen but right now I'm getting tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow" "ok talk to you later then love you" love you to Louis" and then I hang up when Ed walks back in the room "hey teddybear" he half smiles "hey" so we watch TV and Ed falls asleep and a couple minutes later I start to drift off to sleep and about an hour later I wake up in pain and I start crying cause it's hurts so bad "teddybear" he didn't answer and and I raise my voice a lil louder "teddybear" still in tears I scream cause a really sharp pain went through my stomach and he bolts awake and runs to the nurse desk and brought 2 nurse back and they paged the doctor on call and she comes and examine mine stomach and she sees swelling around the scars and she saids " we are going to have to take you back into surgery cause there shouldn't be that much swelling around it" she checks my chart and walks out and about 30 minutes later they take me back to surgery and then they put me under.

Ed's p.o.v

So they just took Tabby back to surgery and I call everyone and had Laim stop by my flat and pick up Dani and Hunter when everyone gets here we all waiting in the waiting room and then the doctor comes out and says "she's fine and needs her rest and don't need any visitors right now so I go home and still letting Dani and Hunter stay at my flat I let Dani have my room and Hunter have the guest bedroom and I took the couch cause I didn't start drifting off to sleep until about 4:30 am and I set an alarm for 8 am caudr I'm going to be there first and then I finally drift off to sleep.

Hope u like it. Is Ed falling for Tabby?? Tell me Wat u think



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