Chapter 6

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So here's chapter 6. Hope u enjoy!

Tabby's p.o.v

So I just woke up a few minutes ago and now I'm calling Liam cause I know he would be awake. After a couple of rings he picks up. "Hello" "Morning Liam it's Tabby" "yeah I know I seen the caller ID" "oh ok cool" "so what you need love?" "We are supposed to hang out today so I was thinking we could to a water park" "sounds good but I was thinking about a theme park" "also a good choice, How about we go to a water park first and then to lunch afterwards" "sounds good so far what about the theme park?" "I Haven't got there yet" "Okay go on" lol Liam and this theme park. "After lunch me and the others girls could come back here and later this evening we could go to the theme park but the fun part about is that we don't tell the others about the theme park part" "sounds like a good plan" "I know right well anyway I gotta go I will see you guys at the water park" "ok bye Tabby" "bye Liam". So now I have to wake the others girls up so we can get ready for the water park.

Liam's p.o.v

After I get off the phone with Tabby, I go into Harry's room to wake him up and I shake him a little bit and he saids "what do you want Liam?" I say " get up and get ready we are going to the water park and meeting the girls there" "ok I'm up" I laughed at him and went into louis's room and say " get up louis if you wanna go to the water park" "ok I'm up yay water park" I just laugh. I go to into Niall's room now oh lord I know a perfect way to get him up "Niall room service is here and the food is almost gone better hurry before it's all gone". He jumps up out of bed and runs down stairs to find no food "Liam where the food?" "there was none to begin with, now go get ready we are going to the water park with the girls" "ok". Onto Zayn now man he loves his sleep but it's almost noon so he can get up, I shake him and say "c'mon get up and get dressed cause we all going to the water park" "I don't wanna go" "well you won't get to see Renee" "ok I'm getting up and ready" "that's what I thought" I love how I can use different things against the boys.

Tabby's p.o.v

Now I have to get the girls up and get ready to meet them at the water park. Wait what water park cause more than one. I think Liam was thinking the same thing cause just then my phone rings and it's Liam. "Hello" "Hi Tabby what water park?" "I don't care really there only 2 of them here" "true" "we can go to the one with a swing set cause I really don't want to get wet right now" "ok sounds good" "see you guys soon" "ok see ya" I hang up and go to wake the girls up. I go into Dani's room and shake her awake and then I say "get up and get ready cause we are going to a water park with the boys "ok I'm getting up". I go into the living room and wake Renee up and tell to get ready cause we are meeting up with the boys at the water park. She sits up and says " I don't have a bathing suit" "I'll let you borrow one of mine" "ok thanks" "no problem".

Zayn's p.o.v

I get up thinking about Renee. I get to spend more time with her. I'm so Happy but what doesn't she feel the same way. Then I'm an idiot. What if she has a boyfriend? Oh wow I need to talk to her at the water park.

Renee's p.o.v

I get up thinking about Zayn, I mean yes I like him in a friend way but I think I like him more than a friend. Who am I kidding I'm falling for him, what doesn't feel the same way as me, I guess I will have to talk to found out. "Tabby can I borrow the baby blue bikini?" "Sure causevI'm wearing the purple one anyway" "ok thanks" "welcome". Let's see what happens.

Tabby's p.o.v

So I don't feel like getting wet, yes I suggested the water park but I just wanna swing right now but I'll probably ended getting wet. So now were arr about to leave to go meet up with the boys. "Dani did you grab 3 towels?" "Yes" "ok now lets go". So I'm a light purple bikini but I'm wearing jeans shorts and A tank top over it so they can't see it. The other girls did the same so it's not just me. I pull up next to the boys van, you think there be more people here but the other is more popular but it doesn't have a swings by it so this one is my favorite. I see the boys already playing in the water but Liam's not tho he swinging on the swings. Well I have a chance to talk to him about Niall liking me. I think I'm crazy, I don't think he does. I go sit on the other swing by Liam "hey Liam" "oh hi Tabby" "what up" "nothing just thinking about where we all going to lunch" "oh well I don't care" "ok well we can to McDonald's" "fine with me" "ok so what you up too?" "just thinking that Niall's likes me but I don't know I mean yeah probably as a friend but nothing more" "Tabby I can tell he likes more than a friend trust me" "I don't know I mean yeah I like him but not just as a friend" "oh well wait to see if he tells you and you tell him you feel the same way" "thanks Liam" "your welcome".

Niall's p.o.v

So we are at the water park and I see Tabby talking to Liam about something not sure what but she gets up and hugs him and I hear Tabby say "thanks Liam" and him "your Welcome". So I walk up to Tabby and ask "Want me to push you on the Swing?" "Sure" so she sits down and I start pushing her and I speak up and say " Tabby would you go out to Dinner with me on Friday?" "I would love too" yes she said yes. I can't wait until Friday comes around.

Zayn's p.o.v

So I'm hanging out with everyone at the water park and I see Renee sitting on top of a picnic table looking pretty and I can tell she thinking about something. So I walk over and say "what are you thinking about love?" "Oh nothing just how amazing it was to meet you guys in real life" "oh well it was amazing to meet you guys too, I love meeting with fans" "but you guys usually don't hang out with them at water parks now do you?" "No but you guys were special" "oh really now" "yeah so anyways I was wondering if you want to go to dinner with me on Thursday night?" "Yes I would be honored to go" Oh My Gosh she said yes. I can't wait until Thursday night!!!

I'm so excited for the next chapter!!! Okay so wat do u guys want to happen at the theme park??? Should Tabby and Niall Kiss?? Or Should Zayn and Renee Kiss?? Or Should Harry ask Dani to be his date to the theme park and they kiss by the end of the night???



- Tabby

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