Chapter 5

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I know I just updated but sorry I just couldn't keep u guys waiting so here is Chapter 5. ENJOY!!!!!

Niall's p.o.v

I can't believe it, it's her and she is a fan. Wow, I think I'm going to pass out.

Tabby's p.o.v

I walk in to see the 5 boys that I met yesterday afternoon in a elevator cause I was picking up Hunter for him to get set up at the club. I finally spoke and said " Hi guys" and waved. All I hear is "it's her from the elevator" from Zayn and "oh my gosh" over and over again from Harry. "I can't believe she a fan" from Niall and " omg She has a pretty voice" from Louis. Haha thanks Louis but he hasn't heard me sing. Liam is just freaking out still, what has gotten into them. Wait a second louis keeps saying she a pretty voice the only way for them to know is if the were at the club last night and heard me but I did see someone recording me and he look like Niall Horan. I say out loud "Oh My Gosh". Then I just see darkness.

Dani's p.o.v

I hear different things coming out of Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam mouths. Then I hear my sister say " Oh My Gosh" and she falls to the floor. Me and Renee run over to her and she's fine but unconscious. So I get up and walk over to all the boys and say "hey guys help she fainted and now unconscious." And Liam said "guys snap out of it and Niall pick her and carry her to the van and Zayn comfort her friend and Harry comfort her sister and Louis go found our mangar and tell him to call me and behave" well Liam back and also Daddy Direction yay lol. So now I'm hanging out with Zayn,Louis,Harry and Renee. Harry keeps flirting with me but hey I don't mind cause I keep flirting back. I know my sister fainted and all but hey I love them I'm a huge fan. Zayn's my favorite but I can tell that he is into Renee but since I've seen Harry in person I not so sure Zayn my favorite anymore hehe.

Niall's p.o.v

"Niall calm down" I can't calm down I think I really like her and I don't know her name yes she told in the elevator but alot has happened since then. "Liam I can't calm down" "well try she going to be fine I promise". Just then the doctor come out and run up to him and ask "is she died?" He laugh and said "No she fine, she ok to go but she needs some rest". I took a deep breath and calm down. We go into the room where is was and she looks up to see me and Liam. She doesn't say anything but smiles and says " thank you guys for bringing me but I like to go now please" Liam and I just nodded and I help her out to the van and then called the others and told them "yes she's fine and we will be there in 5 minutes. When we got there she was engolf in a hug by her sister and her friend. Man I really need to learn their names.

Renee's p.o.v

After what happen to Tabby and all, I'm ok now that she is. Liam spoke up and said "What's yours names loves" I said "Renee" "Tabby it's short for Tabitha" "Dani it's short Danielle". "Well girls do you guys wanna get a bit to eat after the concert by the way what time is it?" Tabby saids "it's almost 6:30" "oh ok well girls we have to get ready for the concert so we will see you out there" we all nod and wave and we go out to Tabby's car and get our signs for them to see and read.

Tabby's p.o.v

So they concert just started and they just came out and we are holding our signs up for them to read and I see Niall eyes lit up when he sees mine so I lower it where he could see who it is and he starts laughing and smiles and waves at me. I look away and I see that Dani's change her poster to where Harry's her favorite now. I wonder why??? Renee poster is of course for Zayn and I see Zayn and poke Niall and pointed and he nods and points at me. And Harry pokes Liam and says "look at this beautiful crowd" and winks at Dani and then smiles. Oh now I know why haha.

I hear Niall say "We want to show you guys a video of someone singing and you guys tell me wat you think ok" and every body justs cheers. Then I hear me start singing little things from that night. Omg Niall record me. After it was over I hear Liam say "what did you guys think??" I hear someone say " she was amazing" Niall says "haha we thought so too". The rest of the concert went smoothly and everything. Now we going to a late Dinner with all the boy's. We are just having small chat. I hear Niall nudge me under the table, so I come to the group and Liam ask again "how did you like the concert?" "I didn't like it" man you should their faces "I'm kidding I loved it". "Oh ok good" man that was funny. "So do you guys have any plans tomorrow? "Nope you guys?" Dani said "just hangin with my sis" and Renee said "nothing probably stay over at Tabby and Dani's aunts house tonight". "Oh ok maybe we could all hang out tomorrow" louis suggested "sounds good to me" I say. "Well I hate to leave guys but we need to go back to my aunt's house and go to bed i will call you guys when I wake up to make plans" they all nodded and me, Renee, and Dani's got up and was about to leave and I feel a hand grab mine so I turn around and see Niall and he says "how can you call us if you don't have our numbers" "oops your right" so I followed Niall back over to the table and got all the boys numbers, I waved goodbye to all of them and went and got into the car. On the way home I relieve a text. I come to a stoplight and then I look at the text and it read "it was nice meeting you and you are my favorite too ♡ -Niall" I mentally aww and texted him back when I got to my aunt's house and inside. I text "your so sweet see ya tomorrow" and I another text come through from Niall it said "I try to be lol -Ni" I laughed and texted him back "lol well I'm tired so goodnight Niall" "goodnight Tabby sweet dreams love -Ni" "sweet dreams" and with that I took a shower and put my hair in a messy bun and crawl into bed and went to sleep.

Niall's p.o.v

After I finished texting Tabby, I go take a shower cause I smell like sweat and went to bed thinking about Tabby. I think I might be falling for her.

Hope u guys like it??? Okay should I make the group go to a water park or a theme park????



- Tabby

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