Chapter 15

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Zoella p.o.v

How did he get my number? Who gave it to him? All this questions flooded my mind has I read the text again "Hi Zoella did you miss me -ur ex(I'm not giving the name away yet). I wasn't going to reply but should I tell Niall. I'm going go take a shower and think about it and go to bed cause I'm tired.

Tabby's p.o.v

So I have been home for a couple days now and I really need to take a shower. So I get up trying not to wake Ed cause he will help me and I'm trying to do it myself but he is really helpful tho. I go get my undergarments and pick out my black Ed Sheeran Sweats and my green Ed Sheeran shirt. I think I own more Ed Sheeran sweats and shirts but one direction is close behind tho & then Maroon 5/Adam Levine. I walk to the bathroom and close the door and lock it. I turn on the water and wait a few seconds. And strip down and get in. After about 15 minutes I finish and get out and get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom and walk to the guest bedroom and Ed is still sleeping so I walk into the living room and sit on the couch and turn on criminal minds. I hear Ed's phone ring & hear him answer in a sleepy voice "hey Liam" "yeah she right beside me wait hold up a sec" I think he notice that I wasn't there. I giggle and then he walk into the living room "hi teddybear" I say still giggling. "Huh yeah Liam she's fine she was just in the living room" he said looking at me "yeah talk to you later mate" he hung up and come sat beside me "you know you scare me when you do that right?" "Nope but I do now" we both laugh. "I see you are wearing me on your shirt again" he chuckles " yeah they sweats say Ed Sheeran also" I get up to show him. They say Ed Sheeran down the side of the right pant leg in orange. "Well I guess it does. We both start laughing "enjoy your nap teddybear" "yeah I did". I go back to watching criminal minds "how can you watch this show with some of that things that happen on this show?" "It's easy & I love this show I'm obsessed with this show but I don't like scary movies tho" "un huh" he just goes back to watching til about 11 o'clock "well Tabz I'm going to bed so you don't stay up to late" "Okay I won't" he goes into his bedroom and goes to bed. So I turn off the TV and go into the guest bedroom and turn the TV on in there watch TV til I fell asleep.
I was walking into my old house before my parents died and I walk into my bedroom and put my things down and walk back downstairs when my dad walks in and he drunk of course and he walks into the kitchen and grabs a knife cause he is a bad drunk and abusive when he is drunk and starts to threaten my mom and I walk in cause he has the knife at her throat "dad" I say but in a kinda off quiet voice he looks at me "go to your room" "no dad I'm not letting you hurt mom or Dani" I say in a louder voice "I said go to your room' he screams "no" I yell back. He comes over to me and stabs me in the stomach and walks off outside. "Mom help me" she just stands there surprise "mom" I say again and she just stands there shocked at what my dad did. Dani isn't home & she saying the night at a friends. So I reach for my phone in my back pocket but I can't get to it so I say "mom" I start to cry and start screaming in pain and my mom just stands there stunned. I start to get tired and I lay down on the couch.
I get woke up by Ed gently shaking me awake and I'm all sweaty and shaking and crying. Ed gets on the bed and puts me on his lap and starting gently rocking me back & forth and trying to get me to calm down. I start to call back asleep on him he asks in a soft voice "do you want to sleep in my bed?" I nod yes and he carries me to his room and lays me on the bed he starts to walk off but I grab his arm and say "don't leave me teddybear" he nods and crawls into the bed and I cuddle up to him and fall back asleep knowing I'm safe now in Ed arms.

Ed's p.o.v

I woke up to Tabby screaming and crying and I go into the bedroom she is sleeping in and gently shaking her trying to get her awake. She finally wokes up and I crawl into her bed and pull her into my lap and start rocking her back and forth trying to get her to calm down finally she starts to relax and start to go back to sleep so I say "so you want to sleep in my bed?" She just nods so I pick her up bridal style and lay her in my bed and I start to walk out of the room she grabs my wrist and says "don't leave me teddybear" so I crawl back into the bed and she cuddles up to me and fell back asleep next to me. I'm laying in bed and start to feel my eyes close and I fell asleep next to her and I like it. I wake up and look down and see Tabby still sleeping like a Angel. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me and smiles "morning" "morning Teddybear". She gets up and walks to the bedroom and does her business and I go in after her and do my business as well. She sits on the couch while I made us some eggs to eat. "Wat do you want to do today teddybear?" "I don't know we could go to the guy's flat & hang out if you want" "yeah sounds good but I'll probably won't play games tho I don't know yet" "ok that's fine and here's is your eggs" "thanks" we both eat and then we both get dressed and get ready to leave" "do you want to take a taxi cause you don't need to be walking?" "Yeah sure" I called a taxi and we waited until it pull up and I open the door and let Tabby get in first and then I got in beside her. We pull up in front of Harry and Louis's flat and I help Tabby out and paid the taxi man and I went and knock on the door and waited a couple of minutes and Harry answer the door but he doesn't see Tabby with me so I walk inside with Tabby following when Louis notices Tabby behind me "Tabby" he said all excited to see her "Louis" she uses the same excitement in her voice as Louis did. They gave each a hug and sit next to each other. Sometimes I wonder about those two.So Tabby is sitting in between Louis and I. She lays her head on my shoulder. She speaks out of no where "hey guys?" We all look at her "I really want to play a piano but I don't have one. I speak up and say "I could buy you one for a late birthday gift cause I didn't get you a birthday present" "no it's fine forget I said anything" she walks into the kitchen and I motion the guys over and say "we could all pitch in and get her a piano and acoustic guitar cause she can play both and she can sing" we all nodded in agreement but we said we would talk later cause Tabby is here and we are going to throw her a party but after her 2 week checkup tho.

Niall's p.o.v

So Tabby come over and hung out with everybody today which was cool I'm glad she okay. So I'm walking over to Zoella place and I get here and knock on the door and few seconds I was greeted by Zoella but it looks like something was bothering her but I wonder what. "Hey Zoella" "hey Niall" "you okay?" "No not really" "What's wrong love?" "I got a text from someone who keeps getting my number some how and this is What it says" she show me the text. So I stay there to comfort her. I'm not going to let anybody hurt her.

Zayn's p.o.v

I miss Renee I mean I have took her on dates and everything but I haven't ask her out. I want to see her so I bought her a ticket to London so she can spend the weekend here with me and I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm picking up at the airport. I see her walk out of the airplane and she goes and gets her baggage and she sees me but I have a hood and a beanie and shades so no one would recognize me. We get a taxi back to my flat and she looks tired so I have her go lay down for a little cause I know she would be jet lagged from the flight. After a couple of hours she woke up and I told her to go get ready caude I'm taking her to dinner and about 30 minutes we are walking out to a restaurant. We get there and ask for a table in a corner and they give it to us and we go sit down and order. After we eat and I pay and we walk outside and I pull her aside and look her in the eyes "Renee will you be my girlfriend?" "Oh my goodness yes most definitely" I lean in and kiss her and then hug her and we walk back to my flat hand and hand with smiles on our faces

Tabby's p.o.v

So me and Ed are back at his flat and I'm sitting on the couch just watching TV and Ed is in the kitchen ordering us Chinese for dinner. He walks back in the front room and sits next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder and puts his arm around me. "Hey Tabz I need to tell you something that I have been holding in for awhile" I sit up and look at him "What is it?" "How do I say this?" His rubbing the back of his neck and looks nervous "just sat it don't sugar coat it" "ok well um.... I like you more than a friend" he does omg "really cause I like you a little more than a friend too" "yeah and really you do?" He seems surprised "yes I do" he hug each other and he starts to lean in like he is going to kiss me but I don't I'm ready for a relationship right now but he stops when there a knock at the door. He lets out a sigh and gets up and answering the door which is the food guy bringing us our food so ed pays and closes the door and hands me my food "hey teddybear" "yeah" "I'm not ready for a relationship right now but I will let you know when I am" "ok I kinda figure that that's why I didn't ask you out right away" "yeah but you going to kiss me" "yeah but the delivery guy ruined the moment" I laughed with him "yeah stupid delivery guy" we laugh some more and we eat and go back to watching TV.

Hope u guys like the chapter.



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