chapter 10

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Tabby's p.o.v

Ed drove me home when I walk in Hunter is sitting on the couch watching criminal minds. I might have got him into that show oops oh well. "Hi best friend" he jumps and then turns his head and sees me and jumps up and hugs me and says "I miss you best friend don't ever scared me like that again" I hug back and say "okay I won't and I miss you too". I leave a note for Dani & Renee and follow hunter back to the car rental to drop off the trunk he rented and then drive him back to his hotel room to get the rest of his things so we can go to the airport. When we get there and get through security and all we go sit down and chat til they call his plane number. I went through this one before when he left after high school but it's still hard for me cause he is my best friend and my partner in crime too and also my criminal minds buddy. I'm going to miss him but we always text and he Skype's me and calls me when he can. So it's not all that bad I guess.

Hunter's p.o.v

They just call my plane number and stand up and hug Tabby right away and she hugs back we say are goodbyes and I board the plane I get a text it's reads I miss you already see in 2 weeks!!. I text back I miss you to and me too me taking my best friend to the CMA is going to be awesome!!. When it was time to take off and then I fall asleep not to long after that.

Niall's p.o.v

Well it's noon and Tabby just texted me like 10 minutes ago that she would be here in 15 so I have 5 minutes to pick up the house but it's not that messy tho. I'm taking her out on a picnic date for this afternoon cuz it's nice outside and I had harry fix the picnic food cuz he is an awesome cook. We had to change our plans from tomorrow night cuz we leave tomorrow afternoon so we wouldn't be able to do it. I know Zayn is still taking Renee out later tonight I overheard him telling her what she should wear. I just told Tabby to wear something casual something that she wouldn't mind getting wet in so I told her to wear a bathing suit. We are going out to the beach so. All the others boys went to the pool in the hotel but I didn't wanna go tho. There was a knock at the door and I look out the peep hole and see it's Tabby I open it and tell her "give me 2 seconds to grab the towels and picnic basket" "okay I will give you 2 seconds see 1, 2 okay it's been 2 seconds" "you're so cute" she just smiles at me. I grab the towels and picnic basket and the we head out the door and she sees Ed and she looks at me and says "give me a sec I wanna go to Ed and thank him for something" "okay but hurry so the food don't get cold" "okay will do" she called out Ed's name he looks up and sees her and hugs her and she hugs back it was just a friendly hug so I'm guessing they are just friends. She comes back a couple minutes later and she says "okay let's go" I nod and we go downstairs and get her Vehicle but she let's me drive and on the way to the beach she changes the radio station and Thinking Out Loud comes on and she singing along to it like no one is around her. As the song finishes we reach the beach and I speak up and say "nice job babe" "thanks babe" "you're welcome". As the day went on all in all I had fun and she did too. We head back to the hotel and she walks up with me to the hotel room to say hi to everyone and to talk to Liam real quick and when we go inside everyone is sitting on the couch playing call of duty. She sees what they are playing and says "calling Call of Duty are we??" Liam Said "how do you know??" "Cause I play it but this ain't no regular call of duty its black ops 2" we all look at her amazed "What never seen a girl play video games before??" I say "not really since girls like make-up & fashion and stuff like that" "well not me, I mean I like some of those but I rather sit at home in sweat pants and eating pizza while either on YouTube or Netflix or play video on my Xbox 360 or my Wii" we all nod and I ask "ready to go Tabby?" "Yeah bye boys" They are say in usion "bye". I walk her down to her vehicle to say bye there. We get there and I hug and kiss her bye and then she gets in the truck I say "I'll text you" "okay I'll text you when I get home so I don't have a car wreck but I wish I could stay later tho to play some call of duty plus I didn't get a chance to talk to laim" "oh umm I'll call the boys and see if they don't mind, which they shouldn't but I'll ask" "I'll call Renee to let her know that I'll be back around dinner time and just order some pizza for lunch" "OK" she calls Renee and I call Liam and ask and they okay if it so we headed back up to the hotel room and we all hung out and play call of duty which she kick all of your butts at. Shes a pro seriously. If you're wondering she had a extra pair of clothes in her truck so she change into sweatpants and a Ed Sheeran T-shirt. Only if Ed was here to it but she still looks cute as ever. I hear a knock at the door I walk out of the kitchen and look through the peep hole and its Ed, I open the door and let him in and he says "Tabby texted me to come over and play call of duty with you guys and she also said that she is kicking all of your butts too" "oh really well she did kick all of your butts man she a pro" he chuckles and we walk back into the living room and Tabby pauses the game cause I was grabbing her a Dr.Pepper out of the fridge and I handed it to her. She looks up and smiles and says "thanks" "welcome" I whisper in her ear "Ed is here" she nods and ask laim "you ready for me to unpause the game??" He nods and she does in a minute he's dead. Yep like I said she a pro. She stands up and walks over to talk to Ed while the other boys could play each other instead getting beat every time they play her. Ed looks over at her t-shirt and saids "you are wearing me on your T-shirt?" She looks down and she says "well I guess I am oh well" and walk over to laim and whisper something in his ear and he got up and lead her to his room so they the could talk I'm guessing. I trust nothing will happen cause I trust both of them plus Tabby would never did that to me and i would never do that to her.

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