Chapter 9

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Tabby's p.o.v

I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had a nightmare now I'm shaking I get out of bed and wake in the kitchen trying to be quiet cause Hunter is on the couch asleep. I get a class of chocolate milk and sit down at the table. I need someone to talk to so I call Ed. He picks up on the third ring. "Hello" "oh sorry Ed I didn't mean to wake you" my voice is shaky and my voice is nearly a wisper. "No its fine What's wrong love??" "I had a bad nightmare and it scared the life out of me and I need someone to talk and the only that pop in mind was you but now I think about it Liam can help. Can you guys come get me??" "Yeah be there in 10" "okay Please hurry" and then I hung up. I went to my bedroom and got my house shoes on and grab a hoodie and went out the front door and waited like a couple of minutes and they pull up and I got in and Laim was diving and Ed was in the back and I sit next to him and he cuddles me saying its okay. When we got back to Ed hotel room I felt safe. So I went and lay down on the couch to started to fall back to sleep but then I felt a wear of arms lift me up and they said "its okay Tabby its me Ed you are not sleeping on the couch you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. All I did was nod and start fell back asleep and he covered me up and grab a pillow and an extra blanket and went out of the room.

Hunter p.o.v

I just woke up looked at my phone. Its 11 o'clock. I go to the bathroom and when I came out I didn't see Tabby in her bed only Renee. I go into the Kitchen still no sign and I look out the window her car is here but no Tabby. I grab my phone and dail her number after 2 rings she picks up "hi best friend" she is happy and hyper today "hi Tabby where are you??" "At a friends place cause I had a bad nightmare last night" "you could've woke me up" "I could've but I didn't wanna distrub you tho" I hear a man voice in the background but you call me and woke me up and I hear her say so your point. She's a sassy little thing. "Anyway Hunter I will be home in about 30 minutes so we can hang out" "OK" and with she hung up. I wonder what her nightmare was about she tell me later probably.

Ed p.o.v

After the events of last night I hear Tabbys phone ring so I say "hey Tabby your phone is ringing" "okay thanks" she looks at the caller id and says "hi best friend" she happy and somewhat hyper this morning and you could hear her conversation and she said I didn't want to wake you and I speak up and say "you call me and woke me up" "so your point" sassy isn't she. She cool to hung out with. After she hung up she turns to me says "thanks for coming and getting me last night you and Liam" with serious lacing her voice "no problem and you call me anytime I don't care if we are in different time zone" "okay thanks Ed you're an awesome friend" I just smile and get up and go to the bedroom to get change for the day. Then I hear the paino start to play. I go into the hallway after I'm dressed and listen to her play and sing one of my songs. I could tell it was Lego House. After she was done I walk out and say "great job" she turns around and looks at me then the ground "thanks" "Tabby how many songs do you have to play of mine on the paino??" "5 of them but I can sing 8 songs in total". Wow "ok just wondering do you want to come to my concert this Saturday night??" "Yes I would I love too cause I love all of your music" "ok I'm going to give you 2 front row tickets and 2 backstage passes" "thank you so much Ed" "your welcome best friend" she just giggles and hugs me.

Author's Note
Hope u like it and Tabby and Niall date will next chapter same with Renee and Zayn date. And hunter leaving also

~love u guys

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