Chapter 36

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Tabby's p.o.v

Today me and Maddie deciding we are going to walk today to the store for food. We are walking we when we're surrendly we are grab and brought into a alley. "Hi Tabby remember me" "Dylan" " yes I told you I would get revenge on you for what you did that day and I ain't have a girlfriend since that day" "well you never should've cheated on me" I smirk. He pull out a knife and stab me in the left leg. "Tabby what is he talking about?"


Three years ago I dated Dylan but I found out he had cheated on me with some other girl so I make sure he never got a girlfriend again. He sweared if I did this he would get revenge on me one day

*flashback over*

"And yet here I am getting my revenge" he bends my right arm back until you heard it snap. He let's go of of it and stabs me in the stomach. I slid down the wall holding my stomach "Maddie" she rushes over to me "yeah" "no get away from her she deserves this" "no I'm not letting you kill her" "move bitch" "no" he stabs her in the leg. I'm starting to lose consciousness from the blood loss. Suddenly there is 4 guys helping us. Last thing a heard was Maddie hollering out my name "Tabby"

Maddie's p.o.v

Tabby ex boyfriend stabs me in the leg but I can tell it's not deep but it hurts. Suddenly there is 4 guys in the alley helping us and I could recognize them anywhere 5 seconds of summer is helping save us. Michael and Ashton get the guy pin against the wall and the knife falls on the ground. I look over to Tabby she losing consciousness. I hollor at her "Tabby" but she black out. Luke calls 911 and they are here within minutes and Luke picks her up bridal style and puts her on the gurnee and the paramedics take her and put the bed in the truck and zoom off. Police shows up and they take Dylan into custody and they ask for our statements but I spoke up and said "my best friend is hurt please can I just go to the hospital" the officer shook his head yes and the cop car with Dylan left to be taken to the station and the other was going to follow us. Calum picks me up bridal style and puts me in their car and Ashton drives to the hospital. We arrive there 5 minutes later. They got a wheelchair for me to sit in and Calum wheel me inside and the doctor look at me and got me stitch up taken care of and they gave me crutches so I could walk. I get discharge and go wait in the lobby with the Ashton,Michael,Luke, and Calum waiting for word on Tabby while the boys give their statements to the cops.

Louis p.o.v

My phone starts ringing and I don't know the number but I answer the phone "hello" "hello is the Louis?" "Yes it is" "this is London hospital and I'm calling for someone name Tabitha Sharp there has been a incident and she's in surgery if you can tough with Niall as well we called him but we got no answer and she has you after him so we you call and tell her family friends that would great" "ok thank you and I'll tell him" she hung up and I'm not sure what to think and what happen but I call the guys merge all their calls together so I can tell them all at once. "Ok first thing first Niall didn't you hear your phone ring before I called you" "yeah I did but I didn't get to it in time" "ok well I just got off the phone with the hospital cause they call me and they said Tabby was in a incident and she's in surgery that's all I know and I haven't even heard from Maddie yet Tabby is at the London hospital I'll meet you guys there. I'm going to stop bye Tabby and Maddie flat to she if she's there" "ok see ya" I get there and no one was there. I walk a little ways to the alley next to the flat and that's when I seen the blood and a phone. I walk over and it's Tabby phone she tried calling me? But the phone got thrown out of her hand. I pick it up and put in my pocket. I tried calling Maddie from my phone and gets up straight away "baby" "yeah" "where are you?" "Hospital" "ok I'm going be there in 5" "ok" she sounds worried. I get the and go through the doors the others wasn't gotten here yet. I walk in and found Maddie crying her eyes out with a wrap up leg and crutches. I spot 4 people I recognize. "Maddie babe" she looks at me "Lou" "yeah it's me she I'm here" Calum moves and let's me sit by her and she explain what happen and I told her that I found Tabby phone in the alley and she started crying again. I go buy her a bottle of water so she will stay hydrated. All the other boys arrive and Renee and Dani. We are all worried sick about Tabby. I'm glad the 5sos boys show up in time to save them.

Niall's p.o.v

I've been crying like a baby cause I'm worried about Tabby. The doctor finally came out "are you guys her for Tabitha Sharp" we all nod "surgery went fine she has woken up and she asking for someone name Niall" "that's me" c'mon I'll take you to her room. Be careful she til sore and she has a stab wound on her leg, her left arm is broken and she has a stab wound on her stomach but we went and fix everything and stitch her up. She is going to be in her a week but she is going to need someone to look after her for two weeks after she gets released" "ok thanks doc" I walk into the room to see Tabby crying "princess what's wrong?" "Niall it's all my fault this happen. I got Maddie hurt too" "babe look at me it's your fault". She cut me off "it is the person who did this is one of my exes who I found cheating on me but I made sure he didn't get a girlfriend again cause of it". "It's not your fault. He could have gotten one he wanted to but he chose not to and it's not your fault" she just nods. I walk over and sit beside her on the bed. I hug her gently and wipe her tears away and kiss her gently on lips. "Can you have Maddie and Lou came in here" "yea I can and I'm going to be staying with you while you are in the hostipal and afterwards until you are better" "ok babe thanks" "anything for my princess" she looks at me and raises up and kisses me. "I love you" "and I love you too babe" I walk and go get Maddie and Louis and bring them back into the room. She eventually gets through everyone and they all leave and Luke,Michael,Calum, and Ashton came to her and brought her flowers and Luke got her a penguin "awe thank you guys for getting there just in time" "you're welcome love. Feel better" Luke said "thanks" she gives them a small smile and they leave. Me and Tabby have been talking and she's getting tired but she is fighting it and I know it. "Babe you sleep" "I can't I'm scared to" I got into the bed with her on the side where she wasn't stab. She cuddle into me and within 5 minutes she has passed out. I feel my eyes start to close and I fall asleep next to my princess knowing that she is safe in my arms.

So here the new chapter. I hope you enjoy!! Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for all the reads it means so much to me!! ❤. Love you guys ❤💙


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