Chapter 8

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Tabby's p.o.v.

After the boys leave, I turn on criminal minds on Netflix. Yeah i know I watch this show to much but What can I say i love this show. I text Hunter to let him know that I'm home plus I wanna see if he wants to come over and hang out and watch criminal minds with me since he is leaving tomorrow afternoon. He teaxted back saying "yeah be there in 10" I text him saying "okay see you when you get here" and went back to watching criminal minds. After about 10 minutes I hear his truck pull up and he comes to the door and knocks and get up and let him in and we sit down start watching criminal minds together. I'm laying down with my head on his lap while he playing with my hair, which he was putting me to sleep which I need to stay awake so I sit up and he looks at me confused. I say "you were putting me to sleep and I need to stay awake" and he says "oh ok and who is Liam?" "he is a friend of mine that's all" "oh ok well I was just wondering" "it's cool I figured you ask at some point" he just nods and then he said "do you wanna go to a theme park tonight since I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon?" "yeah I do" i know What you're thinking I'm supposed to be going with the guys but I'm going to ask liam if he can come. "i'll will be back I need to make a phone call" he nods so I go into the kitchen and dial Laim's number and he picks up after a couple of rings "hi tabby What's up" "i was wondering if Hunter could come cause he ask if I wanted to go to a theme park tonight since he leaving tomorrow please Laim" "sure of course I will see you in a hour at the theme park" "okay see you then" I go back in the front room and said we can go in a hour but I have to go and wake up the girls up causr they are coming with us" he nods and I go wake them up and tell to get now cause we going somewhere and it's a surprise they do as I ask and 45 minutes later we are ready to go and we all get in Hunter truck and off to theme park we go

Niall's p.o.v

We now leaving the hotel room to go somewhere Liam wouldn't tell us he said "it's for me to know and you to found out soon" we all get in the van and about 15 minutes later Liam pulls into a theme park and there is only a truck here hmm I wonder who else is here. 4 people get out of the truck and I realized who they arr. So I speak and say "really Liam why didn't you just tell us" "cause it was a surprise that only me and Tabby knew about" "oh but she brought her friend Hunter" "yeah she called and ask tho cause he leaving tomorrow afternoon" "oh ok" wow they ain't Hunter and Tabby close but they are only best friends so it cool. We get out and I quietly walk up to Tabby and pick her up and spin her around. Hunter saw me but i held my finger to my lips and he didn't say nothing he just nodded. I put her down and she slap me on the arm and I say "hey What was that for?" "cause you scared me half to death" oops hehe. Louis then spoke up and Said "to the theme park" we all run to the theme park all but Tabby,Hunter,Renee, and Dani well I guess it's us oh well we weird like that. So me and Tabby go walking around for a bit and she turns to me and says I'm going to hang out with Hunter for a bit cause he is leaving tomorrow afternoon" "okay that's fine I understand you guys are best friends but nothing more right?" "yes Niall nothing more I promise cause you are my hot boyfriend anyway besides Hunter is like a brother to me anyway" "oh ok well go then and I'm going to hang out with Liam and Louis then for a bit" "okay that's fine" she peck me on lips and runs off to find off and she finds him and runs and jumps on his back I just laughed at her oh I love her and I see Liam and Louis and go catch up with them we all hang out til about 11 o'clock and go late dinner. We all go into Braums and get when finally everyone was leaving it was around midnight. Wow I haven't told Tabby that I'm leaving in a couple days but I'm going to. "hey Tabby can I see you for a sec" "yeah" Hunter says "we will be waiting in the truck" she nods and walks over to me "What's up Niall" I look her in the eyes and say "I'm leaving soon" "how long soon" "2 more days" "oh" she looks at her feet. I bring her into a hug and say "maybe you can come over tomorrow to the hotel and we and you can spend some quality time together" "sounds good cause I have to go see Hunter off tomorrow after that I'm free" "ok cool see you then" I gave her another hug and she gave a kiss on the cheek and I gave her one the forehead. Before she got in the truck she said "text me" "okay I will" she gets in and I go get in the van and Louis says "What was that about" "oh nothing" "she really likes you man" "yeah you like so" "yeah I do" off to the hotel we went and I'm texting Tabby the whole back. When we get there we go up to the hotel room and I go into my room take a shower and go lay down in the bed still texting Tabby she told that Hunter is staying over but he sleeping on the couch and Renee is sharing the bed with her. So I wasn't mad about it I trust her so. I texted her "goodnight sweet dreams" and she texts back "nighty night sweet dreams Niall" and I drift off to sleep thinking about tomorrow

Sorry to end it like this but hope u like it
Love u guys




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