Chapter 18

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Tabby's p.o.v

So I pull into my Aunt's driveway and I was hoping she wasn't there but she is. Shit. I look at Ed to see he is looking at me with soft eyes. "I'm going to go in first and then I'll text u saying u can come in otay?" "Okay". I walk up to the door and knock a couple times. She opens it and lets me in. Here comes the worst. Better text Ed before she can do everything. Yeah she abuses me too when she around but I make sure she didn't with Dani. I text Ed "hey come on inside" he replies "otay im coming". She starts yelling at that I'm fat and ugly and that no one will never love me. She wishes I was never born I started to cry Cuz that hurt. Then she starts to hit me and I just take it I don't fight back. She shoves me to the floor and starts kicking me in the stomach and starting yelling all those things at me and thats when Ed walk in.

Ed p.o.v

I get a text from Tabby to come on in. So I get out of the car and walk up the door and I hear yelling and someone crying. I opened the door and to see her Aunt kicking her in the stomach. Tabby looks at me with soft and pained eyes. I've never seen her cry. She would always go into the bedroom and shut and lock the door and I would stand at the door til she came out of the bedroom. I speak up and say "what the fuck r u doing to her. She's r niece not a punching bag or for kicking" her aunt turns around ig she thought Tabby came alone. "Umm it's not wat it looks like" "it looks like u r beating on and yelling at Ur 18 year old niece" "she's an adult she can handle it" her eyes says something different. Little did her aunt know is that I called 911 and then I hear sirens outside with flashing lights. She went to go for Tabby again saying "u called them u slut" but instead I grab her arms and held them behind her back but I wasn't hurting her just restraining her from hurting Tabby. The cops come and take her and put handcuffs on her ands take her away. I rush to Tabby side and help her up and let Emsa take her and I told her that I'll meet her at the hospital. She just nods and I walk up to her room. Pack up everything she had in that room. How ik it was her room is because the other bedroom was empty and the Ed Sheeran posters gave it away too. I walk into the bathroom inside the bedroom and gather everything and then took everything out to the rental car. I drove to the hospital and Tabby was being discharge and I help her to the car and she had me drive back to her aunt's house and she had make sure I got everything. Which I did. We get back in and I drive to the airport and we carry her things through security system and then we board the plane back to London. She fell asleep on me. I wake her up right before the plane landed and we get her luggage and I call Liam. "Hey Ed" "hey can u come and get me and Tabby from the airport and if u can't I can get a Taxi" "no I can be there in 5" "okay see u than". We walk outside to wait for Liam and about 5 minutes later he pulls up. He help me put the luggage in and me & Tabby get in the back. She falls asleep again on me. I must be comfortable. Liam pulls up outside mine flat and he gets the luggage while I carry Tabby in bridal style into my bedroom and lay her on the bed. I get the other duffle bag and her backpack and thank Liam. And I go watch tv til she wakes up.

Tabby's p.o.v

I wake up in a bed and I lift me head up I see it's Ed bed. I get up and walk into the living room to find Ed asleep on the couch. I gently shake him Cuz I don't want to hurt myself more then already am. He open his eyes and he sits up and saids "must've fallen asleep on the couch" I just nodded and sit down by him. "U hungry love?" "Yes teddybear I am" "okay let's go over to Harry and Louis flat. They invited us for dinner" "otay" we walk over there and Ed helps me walk of course. We get there and Louis greets us at door and looks at me in the eye with soft eyes. Ed and Louis help me to the couch and I sit down. "Wat happened" "long story" Harry walks in with mine and Ed's plate while Louis went to get theirs. "Well u have time to tell us" "only if Ed helps me" they all nod. I start off "well me and Ed flew to my aunt's to get all of my things Cuz I'm moving too London" "u are??" "Yes I am now don't interrupted me" Harry and Louis nodded. Me and Ed tell the story of what happened. Harry finally spoke "Oh wow I'm sorry but at least she going to jail" "actually no her job bail her out" Louis said "at least u will be living here in London with Ed" I nodded and gave a small smile to them. After we get home we watching tv when I speak "hey Teddybear thanks for today" "Ur welcome Tabz. That's what I'm here for" I kiss his cheek. If Ur wondering we hadn't kiss since that night at the restaurant. I see teddybear looking at me and then at my lips like he's asking permission to kiss me. Such a gentleman. I lean in and we close the space between us. I pull away breathless. I say "I'm going bed see u in the morning" "okay night Tabz" I walk into my bedroom and get in some PJ's and then get in bed. Falling asleep thinking of Ed.

So hope u guys like it. Ik it's been forever but have a lot going on but trying to update at least once a month. Love ya guys.



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