Chapter 37

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Tabby's P.O.V

A couple weeks later

Finally I'm all heal and better well my hand isn't but anything else is. I just wake up and there's a sleeping Niall next to me. He looks cute and peaceful. Untangled myself from him trying not to wake up but he stirs a little but doesn't wake up. I go into bathroom and do my business and flush and then wash my hands. I go into the kitchen and cooks eggs,bacon, and pancakes. I'm almost done cooking when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Morning princess" I turn off the stove cause I'm done cooking and turn around.

"Morning baby" he leans over and kisses me.

"I made breakfast"

"I see that" if you guys are wondering Louis has had Maddie been staying at his and Harry's flat so he can take care of her as well. I found it sweet and cute. Today I decided I want to go shopping but I don't know If Niall wants to come or not.

"Hey baby"

"Yeah babe"

"Do you wanna go shopping today. Do don't have to if you don't to" I say unsure if he wants to or not.

"Of course" I smile and kiss him. I'm so in love with him that words can't explain it.  I let him eat and I go get dressed. (Outfit on the side)

 (Outfit on the side)

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I finished changing and I walk into the living room  and lay down on the couch

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I finished changing and I walk into the living room and lay down on the couch.

"Babe c'mon we have to go meet Louis and Maddie"

I sigh "but I'm comfortable and you are still eating and haven't even changed clothes yet. So until you do I'm staying right here"

"Fine" he finishes and goes gets dressed. "I'm ready now"

"Now after what 10 minutes?" I laughed getting up off the couch.

He mumbles "yeah" and looks down at the ground before perking up and saying "let's go"

"Don't rush me Horan" I give him a playful death glare

"I umm"

"Let's go" I say laughing and grab his hand and walk out to my truck cause I felt like driving. I get and wait for him to go around even though he protested on me driving but I won of course. I drive to Lou and Harry's flat to get Louis and Maddie.

Maddie's P.O.V

"Lou babe c'mon Tabby and Niall are here" I say to my handsome but sassy boyfriend. I'm all ready to go and Louis is still putting his shoes on(outfit on the side).

 I'm all ready to go and Louis is still putting his shoes on(outfit on the side)

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"I'm coming woman don't rush me"

"Well I'm rushing you cause they are waiting on us and you didn't want to get out of bed this morning" I laugh. He finally gets them and grabs his phone as I grab mine and my purse.

"See you lovebirds later" Harry said.

"Bye Harry bye Dani"

"Bye Maddie"

"C'mon babe" Louis said

"I'm coming" we walk out of the house and get into Tabby's truck.

"Hey Madds"

"Hey Tabby" I say. She drives to the mall.

"Ok where first guys?"

"Food court" Niall's says. We all laugh

"Babe you just ate before we pick bug Lou and Maddie" I laugh. "So Niall she's telling you no" he play pouts. "Tabby let's go shop at Ross while the go to Jack Willis"

"Ok let's go" me and Tabby go to Ross and looks around until this group of girl came up to us.

Tabby's P.O.V

"Oh look it's those girls who are dating Niall and Louis" the main chick said.

"Yeah what about us? Y'all are just jealous cause they are dating us so leave us alone" I say.

"Jealous? What can I be jealous about? Both of y'all are ugly and fat" this chick is getting on my nervous.

"Yeah but at least I'm not cake face with make-up". She was about slap me but I caught her hand in mine so tried the another one but I caught it as well. I finally let go and me and Maddie walk away to Jack Willis to meet up with Lou and Niall.

"Hey babe."

"Can we just leave please Niall?"

"Of course what's wrong? What happened? Niall ask concerned.

Maddie spoke up "a group of girls call us fat and ugly and Tabby stood up for us. Don't worry I recorded it to show to guys but please we leave now"

"Yeah let's go" we all went to the truck and got in and I drive back to the flat. We showed them the video and they tweeted out in are defense and we all ended up staying at the flat and watching movies and order Chinese.

Hey guys. I'm sorry it's been awhile but I've had trouble coming up with ideas but finally I did. Tell me what you think. Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you guys!!❤️


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