Chapter 1

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Hey there my name is Danielle. I live in Los Angeles, California with my older sister Tabitha, or Tabby as I call her (only I can her that). She's 18 and I'm 17 and we're very close. We've been close since our parents died 3 years ago in 2011. Our aunt is our guardian but she's never home so we're basically on our own. She's always gone on business trips. Today's my birthday and Tabby is taking me clubbing to celebrate. She said "I have a big surprise for you when we get there".

Tabby p.o.v

Today is Danielle birthday and I'm taking her clubbing for the first time. I have a big surprise for her. She's a big fan of Hunter Hayes, but little does she know that me and him are really good friends. We went to high school and graduated together. We haven't seen each other for a few months, so he's coming to visit me and surprise my sister for her birthday. I call him about a week ago while Dani was sleeping and ask him to come visit this weekend and ask if he would do surprise performance for my sister Dani's birthday. He said "I would love too". I'm excited cause I get to see him today. Dani will definitely be happy too. We still have to go shopping for her birthday and a dress for tonight and me a dress for tonight also. After she wakes up anyways but before we go shopping she going to want to eat so I'm going to take her to Taco Bell( since that's her favorite) and let her get whatever she wants for her birthday lunch.

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